When I was in high school, I don’t remember my single mom ever telling me that I should go to college. For one thing, she couldn’t afford to send me. In addition, neither of my parents had a higher education, and I seriously doubt that either of them had considered how important it would be for my future. The fact was, I just knew that I wanted to go, so I worked and wrangled my way for as long as it took (five years, as it turned out). Then there was another 3 years before I began law school.
The guy painting this road surface sign could have been one of my ignoramus high school classmates. It was a tough, lower class school in a rough section of Greater Miami. Our football team had a dirty reputation statewide. I signed up to take a course in Russian being offered for the first time but, unhappily, not enough students signed up and it was cancelled. I really regretted that in 2003 when I visited Russia for 12 days.
Perhaps I ought not jump to a conclusion about the photo above. Maybe it’s the entrance to the Society of Osteopathic & Thoracic Physicians.
What’s probably just out of the picture is a group of three other road crew guys standing around with their fingers in their noses, none of them noticing the misspelling. Perhaps, a few months after this photo was taken, one of them ran for congress.