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Politics & Legal > A Post- Post

A Post- Post

Some women, following childbirth, suffer from what is termed
postpartum depression.  It is said to
arise from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to
motherhood, and fatigue.

I am suffering from postpolitico exhilaration.  Perhaps, were I a Republican, I would have
depression, but my guy won!  Still,
although I may not be experiencing any hormonal alterations, I am most
definitely having to adjust to the very, very pleasant absence of political
ads, and the campaign fatigue is palpable.  So maybe I didn’t have a congressional candidate slide down my birth
canal, but even a guy can feel a gripping fatigue produced by the birth of a
new term.

Unfortunately, the post- part of all this will quickly fade to pre-
again, once the temporary election exhilaration wears away and the partisan
sniping re-commences.  After all, it
remains a GOP majority in the House, and why should any of us have reason to
hope that those idiots will be able to shoot their middle fingers at the
so-called Tea Party extremists and actually GOVERN like reasonable people.  When I saw the Tea Party woman interviewed on
CNN this morning, it was immediately clear that she has learned nothing from
(a) the election, or (b) the low favor in which the majority of the country
hold her cohorts’ intransigence. 

As for all those billions of dollars misspent on Mitt Romney
(Did I hear the CNN guy say $6 billion?), now I expect that, when the economy
shows more improvement, he will claim that it was from his PACs and special
interest groups, not from anything the President did.  Of course, all that money was directly
injected, not into the free flow of commerce, but into the coffers of the
producers and distributors of all those misleading  ads. 

Now, who will introduce legislation to compel the State of Florida to hold their
election two weeks prior to everyone else (but keeping the tally sealed) so
that -- maybe --we’ll get their results along with the rest of the states? 

posted on Nov 7, 2012 12:29 PM ()


While my Obama vote didn't count for much, my Donnelly vote did!! I guess that's why so many people do the lottery. Hope.
comment by solitaire on Nov 9, 2012 5:58 AM ()
I am still elated. I am still amazed at the rigidity of the tea party
people and I was enthralled by the various faces of the Obama supporters.
It was like a melting pot. Stern women, African American youngsters, Asians,Latinos...truly American in character.
comment by elderjane on Nov 8, 2012 3:04 AM ()
The exhilaration will even out, but the success remains. And those Republicans who are listening will, I do believe, try to reclaim their party. There will be mid-term elections and that's when the tea party obstructionists come up for re-election. Following that, the Republicans may start to begin to heal themselves. I am not at all pessimistic. And I don't like to hear people say "nothing will change." There was a time when women did not have the vote. That changed. There was a time when blacks did not have the vote. That changed. Nothing is "at once" but we can't stop working for change.
comment by tealstar on Nov 7, 2012 5:47 PM ()
Hilbillery in '16!
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 7, 2012 4:54 PM ()
reply by steve on Nov 7, 2012 5:25 PM ()
For seconds at a time I am elated, then I realize it don't mean a thing. We're no further than we were, except maybe we won't lose our health care insurance next year.
comment by troutbend on Nov 7, 2012 4:15 PM ()
Plus, I suspect Paul Ryan may be even harder to deal with now than before.
reply by steve on Nov 7, 2012 5:23 PM ()
Your proberly thinking thank god thats over --BUT WAIT theres more---senate election on there next year
comment by kevinshere on Nov 7, 2012 4:00 PM ()
I'm taking a deep breath...
reply by steve on Nov 7, 2012 5:24 PM ()
If you are tired of the political ads living in the reddest of states, can you imagine how bad it was in a swing state where I live? And, yes, our elections people are idiots.
comment by miker on Nov 7, 2012 3:57 PM ()
I've no doubt it was much, much worse in Fla than l'il ol' Utah which was a given for Romney anyway. I suspect my wife and I were the only two Democrat votes in our town. Thank goodness the unending Fla. vote count isn't holding up the determination of the winner as in 2000.
reply by steve on Nov 7, 2012 5:22 PM ()

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