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Loose Robes

Life & Events > Guns


Who needs terrorists? We kill ourselves.
Anyone who says to you, “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people,” you look them in the eye and tell them they are an idiot. The debased, dumbed down, and debilitated culture in this gun-packed country has just claimed more lives in an elementary school massacre. How many mass murders do we have to suffer before someone with a little chutzpah takes real action to accomplish some actual gun control around here?
Is the National Rifle Association really so powerful, so in bed with politicians, so feared, that no politician is brave enough to spit in their eye? Does NRA money purchase cowardice?
I promise you, the Founders who drafted the Constitution, then added the 2nd Amendment, did not envision this. Nor did they remotely consider that future U. S. Supreme Court justices would stretch the idea of a well-armed militia into the authority for gun-crazed imbeciles in our midst to arm themselves to the teeth and carry firearms everywhere they go with as little control as our government now provides.
Now add the sorry state of our system for treating mental health problems or, more exactly, the lack thereof. Prisons are filled with mentally ill people who may not have committed the crimes for which they are imprisoned had some treatment been available to them. Prisons and jails are likewise filled with mentally ill habitual offenders because we have a totally inadequate mental health treatment system to deal with them otherwise. We need (a) a better system for identifying dangerously mentally ill people, (b) better laws for making it possible to compel at least temporary institutionalization for purposes of treating these individuals, and (c) actual places for them to be housed while treatment is accomplished. Left to their own devices, they don’t recognize that they are ill, they don’t take medications prescribed to them, and they recycle through the criminal justice system continually. Sometimes, too often these days, they go haywire and begin shooting innocents with firearms made for nothing other than killing people.
I would also heartily recommend rethinking the appropriateness of all the violent video games, movies, and TV shows youngsters are exposed to, resulting in a dangerous dehumanizing effect upon their otherwise immature psyches.
Until this country wakes up and realizes how messed up we are, nothing will happen to change this. If 20 little children being massacred doesn’t do it, nothing will.

posted on Dec 14, 2012 5:18 PM ()


There seems to be a new determination to deal with the gun laws.
comment by tealstar on Dec 17, 2012 6:30 AM ()
This tragedy keeps repeating itself. It was a sad day when mental institutions were declared obsolete and the crazies were free to live
among us. There are clues that parents ignore. The very first one is
cruelty to animals.
comment by elderjane on Dec 15, 2012 6:26 PM ()
One has to wonder how much more of this we are going to see. No need for international terrorists to attack the American public, our nutcases obligingly do it for them.
comment by troutbend on Dec 15, 2012 9:23 AM ()
...and it seems to be reoccurring with more frequency, like in a downward, tightening spiral.
reply by steve on Dec 16, 2012 6:46 AM ()
Sixty percent of our esteemed 'Founding Fathers' owned slaves. They were wealthy men, too, most of whom saw great fortunes coming to them if them could only break free of the British tax men. They did write the 2nd Amendment to include the words about a "well regulated militia." Wouldn't it be great if that applied to gun ownership?
comment by jondude on Dec 15, 2012 6:32 AM ()
Amazing how far a rubberband will stretch when it's pulled...
reply by steve on Dec 15, 2012 8:45 AM ()
after the massacre in hobart a few years back australians voted to get rid of guns --it became law and all guns were handed in to police stations to be destroyed, there has been an amnesty since when more guns were destroyed , of course ther were exemtions for those who used guns for sport and farmers were another . it is very difficult to get a firearm license
comment by kevinshere on Dec 15, 2012 1:39 AM ()
You obviously live in a more enlightened society than we do over here in Gun World.
reply by steve on Dec 15, 2012 8:43 AM ()
"Is the National Rifle Association really so powerful, so in bed with politicians, so feared, that no politician is brave enough to spit in their eye? Does NRA money purchase cowardice?"

Sadly, yes and yes.
comment by miker on Dec 14, 2012 8:56 PM ()
We'll see if our newly re-elected lame duck president has the moral courage to speak out now in favor of gun control. If he does, he won't get enough elected supporters to field a baseball squad.
reply by steve on Dec 15, 2012 8:42 AM ()

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