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Life & Events > George Mcgovern

George Mcgovern

It saddens me to see that George McGovern is "no longer responsive" in a Sioux Falls, South Dakota hospice.  I voted for the man in the presidential election of 1972.
Those were days of rage.  Vietnam was tearing the country apart.  We lost so many soldiers there, for nothing.  I was actively against the war (what the government insisted on calling a "conflict") and spoke out against it.  My law school classmates, predominently conservative in those days, branded me a communist.  It was incredible!
So in 1972, the year that I graduated, passed the bar exam, and became a card carrying member of the professional class, George McGovern was my candidate.  I hated Richard Nixon.  Yet despite all the opposition to the war in Vietnam, Nixon clobbered McGovern.  I think McGovern only carried about five states. 
George McGovern is 90 years old, truly a grand old age.  He contributed, he mattered, he was a leader and a spokesman for a lot of people.  There was one word that became a rallying cry back in the Vietnam era and I wish it now for George McGovern...   PEACE. 

posted on Oct 18, 2012 8:02 AM ()


I too am saddened and in today's news, I see that McGovern has died. He was a committed supporter of the have-nots. It is interesting that some of our finest Democrats don't campaign well. I am also thinking of Mondale and Bill Bradley.
comment by tealstar on Oct 21, 2012 7:30 AM ()
I was taken aback at how badly he lost to Nixon.
reply by steve on Oct 22, 2012 7:54 PM ()
I am living with a husband who was a victim of Viet Nam. Thirteen months
as a radio operator in the jungle, dodging death at every turn, left a
lot of scars on an l8 year old. Tim, who lives next door to me was also
a marine in that conflict. His health is shot too. The Agent Orange
was deadlier than anyone has been permitted to know. to war.
comment by elderjane on Oct 19, 2012 7:01 AM ()
I've lost two good friends to the effects of Agent Orange...
reply by steve on Oct 19, 2012 7:11 AM ()
Of course I voted for George. The only Democrat I didn't vote for was Carter, second time around. I liked John Anderson! Those "upper midwest" candidates--McGovern, Humphrey, Mondale--never could quite gather enough votes (states) to win a presidential election.
comment by solitaire on Oct 19, 2012 5:10 AM ()
comment by hobbie on Oct 19, 2012 4:17 AM ()
'72 was my first presidential election. You'd think something would be different 40 years later.
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 18, 2012 11:28 AM ()
Oh, it's different... it's worse! And altho' Afghanistan is no Vietnam, the concept is the same: we persist in expending taxpayer dollars and the blood of our young men in a wasted, misguided effort to impose our will on a foreign country. In addition, neither Obama nor Romney has the heart and goodwill of George McGovern.
reply by steve on Oct 18, 2012 1:50 PM ()
There is a thoughtful article about McGovern in today's Huffington Post and it ends with this quote: "Senator McGovern, for years after 1972, was fond of saying: "We may have lost, but none of us went to jail."
comment by troutbend on Oct 18, 2012 10:37 AM ()
Thanks for putting me onto that article. Ironic that its author is Gary Hart.
reply by steve on Oct 18, 2012 11:26 AM ()

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