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My Friends

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Life As A Married Mom

Life & Events > Relationships > Good News

Good News

I have some good news, Michelle is doing better.

Today I did not go to work so I could stay home with Michelle, and this afternoon when she woke up from her nap I decided I would call my friend and see if she would mind if Michelle and I went over to her house.

Of course she didn't mind, she had just finished the last of todays home school lessons for her oldest son and would love to have company.

She lives in the next town over so it took me about 30 minutes to get to her house. When we arrived her oldest son was on his way to his yard cleaning job. Her oldest boy is amazing, he makes straight A's and B's and loves to be able to work after school.

My friend's daughter is getting big!! She is 6 months old now, and she loves to smile and laugh. She is such a happy baby, and she and Michelle play so well together.

I told my friend what went on with Michelle and she asked me to tell her the symptoms, which I did and she got a very serious look on her face and told me to take Michelle in to the doctor if this ever happens again.

This is the woman who's oldest son has type 1 diabetes, and she also has it and was diagnosed with it over a year ago when she was 40. Similar to what my sister went through.

I asked her if she would test Michelle's blood sugar so she did and her reading was 90 and Michelle had eaten an hour ago and I was told that this is a very normal number. I asked her what numbers should I look for if I were to use a glucose meter, and I was told to test Michelle right when she wakes up in the morning, two hours after meals and before meals. My friend also gave me her spare unused glucose meter with 50 test strips and asked me to test her when Michelle started to act the way she did when she wouldn't do anything but drink water and pee and sleep.

Since I do have a family history of type 1 diabetes there is a 50/50 chance Michelle could get it or I could get it.

Just like my Friend's kids, her oldest has it, her middle son does not and her baby does not..But there are chances they could get it later in life like she did.

Oh, I almost forgot..I learned something new about my friend, I found out that she is a Nature Photographer and this weekend at one of the local art galleries they are having a show just for her!! There will be people coming up from LA to see her work as well as all over California.
I knew that she had some way of making money, but I was not sure what it was because she home schools her oldest boy.

If I could figure out how to post a Youtube video in here I would post her movie presentations of her photos. The art show will be showing off her California pictures as well as the pictures she took in another state.

So, who is going to tell me how to post a Youtube video?

posted on Apr 16, 2008 6:01 PM ()


Good luck on that video - I would like to see some nice nature pictures! I am so new to this computer that my son shows me how!
comment by mytwoloves on Apr 20, 2008 5:16 AM ()
Nope not me eitherGlad to hear Michelle is feeling good...what your friend said, I didn't what to say, but I suspected that too! I'm ure she'll be fine though...that's quite a quality friend you have there
comment by strider333 on Apr 16, 2008 7:16 PM ()
not me! I have no idea...
Glad Michelle is feeling better!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 16, 2008 6:06 PM ()

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