CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Where the Sun Don't Shine!

Where the Sun Don't Shine!

I like MyBloggerstown, and I enjoy visiting with old and new friends here; but I guess I'm just getting too old. I really didn't like having to leave my old home; it was comfortable and I had developed a real affection for it.

Unfortunately, many were primed to leave because of so much in-fighting. It really had got out of hand. One could not express an opinion nor hold with a certain viewpoint without some person annihilating them. Reasonable dialog degenerated quickly into "mud-slinging," name-calling, and "butchering the first amendment."

Some are under the assumption that the first amendment protects them, no matter what they say or to whom they say it. That is just not so. Making defamatory statements that are blatant lies can land one in court more quickly than anything. On the other hand, if one has written or oral proof that the statements are indeed fact, one is protected by the first amendment. He is therefore safe from culpability.

The same can be said for accessing another's e-mail. If that e-mail is public and the individual has made it known on the Internet that it is public; and that it can be accessed for personal reasons--even if it is a business e-mail--he has no recourse if someone accesses it other than whom he might expect. He opened the door. Of course, he usually has the option to block that person's access if he so chooses.

Which finally brings me to my point. I thought we could block unfriendly visitors here on MyBloggers. But, I discovered we could only block their comments. Blocking individuals--not the entire Internet--is definitely an option that I would like to see added here.

We all occasionally encounter people who want to use our e-mail or our website to attack us. I don't need it; I have enough problems without some @!$%# calling me names and threatening me.

This is my website. I created it for the express purpose of putting down my thoughts. I am careful never to lie nor to make inflammatory statements that cannot be supported by oral or written substantiation.

Beyond that, I will write on it just what I damn well please. And if they don't like it, they can shove it right up their big fat arse.
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posted on Mar 24, 2008 8:45 AM ()


I don't like it when people come to someone's blog just to make trouble. Unfortunately, there are those out there that do just that. Sorry to hear that this person is harrassing you. I feel that if someone doesn't like what I say or agree with what I say or share then they are free to not visit my blog. Disagreement is acceptable when done in a mature fashion, but using the freedom of speech right gets old with someone whose vocabulary doesn't go farther than a few nice words meshed in with a bucket of inappropriate words.
comment by hopefields on Mar 25, 2008 11:48 PM ()
comment by marta on Mar 25, 2008 11:16 PM ()
Goodness! This is really distressing to read... You are a strong woman, but you shouldn't have to put up with this!
comment by sunlight on Mar 25, 2008 8:00 PM ()
I am sorry you are still having troubles with people. I have learned to tune most of them out. But of course, I knew that I would get lip due to the type of stuff I write about, YOU SHOULDN'T. Want me to send the hillbilly mafia after em..
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 25, 2008 1:01 AM ()
I do not understand individuals who are supposed to be "adult". If I disagree with someone, I try to do it in an adult manner. If I feel that the person is a complete moron, I just don't read their blog. I do hope we can keep MyBloggerstown free from all that drama that was on Blogster. I never be able to unload that beach house in this market.

yer can't we all just get along pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 24, 2008 5:51 PM ()
comment by greeneyedgemini on Mar 24, 2008 4:16 PM ()
I don't understand someone coming to visit just to be mean and cruel. If someone doesn't agree with your point of view, that person should just leave. Hatefulness is inexcusable.
comment by angiedw on Mar 24, 2008 2:54 PM ()
I like this site precisely because it is so friendly. It is a shame that someone is reading your blogs that you do not choose to have do so. We are all very open here with each other and I would not like just everyone to read my blogs either.
comment by elderjane on Mar 24, 2008 12:10 PM ()
Have you talk to Eddie on this?
You do not have to worry about being attack here.
The only one that attack is Buffy

I truly understand the feelings there.
comment by fredo on Mar 24, 2008 10:17 AM ()

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