CJ Bugster


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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Ravensbruck


When I read posts where people refer to our President as Hitler, I get so angry and upset.
These people have been fed this garbage by the likes of Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and others who, in my opinion, should be arrested and tried as traitors.
These dispicable men and women--Palin, Bachmann, and Colter--to name just three, have managed to influence too many people with their lies, all in the name of grabbing power and making money. 
We forget too quickly what people were subjected to under this madman and those who followed him.
Every person who believes that Obama bears even the faintest resemblance to Hitler and his cronies should have to sit down and read about the women and children who were sent to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp.

I have just concluded a book which, though fiction, relates the story of one Jewish family, a mother and her daughter who were sent there and perished.

A third sister was sent to a camp near the Czech border where a German soldier helped her escape. The Czech freedom fighters managed to get her to France, where she worked for two years with the French resistance.

She was later severely injured helping blow up a German troop train and left paralyzed when she remained too close to the explosives rather than give away the mission to the Germans as a sentry walked by.

Somehow, she survived long enough to be airlifted to England by the Resistance. The entire story disturbed me immensely and made me terribly sad.
Ravensbrück (German pronunciation: [ʁaːvənsˈbʁʏk]) was a notorious women's concentration camp during World War II, located in northern Germany, 90 km north of Berlin at a site near the village of Ravensbrück (part of Fürstenberg/Havel).
Construction of the camp began in November 1938 by SS leader Heinrich Himmler and was unusual in that it was a camp primarily for women. The camp
opened in May 1939. In the spring of 1941, the SS authorities
established a small men's camp adjacent to the main camp.
Between 1939 and 1945, over 130,000 female prisoners passed through the Ravensbrück camp system, around 26,000 were Jewish.[1] Between 15,000 and 32,000 of the total survived.[1]
There were children in the camp as well. At first, they arrived with mothers who were Gypsies or Jews incarcerated in the camp or were born to imprisoned women.
There were few of them at the time. There were a few Czech children from Lidice in July 1942. Later the children in the camp represented almost all
nations of Europe occupied by Germany.
Between April and October 1944
their number increased considerably, consisting of two groups. One group
comprised Roma children with their mothers or sisters brought into the camp after the Roma camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau was closed.
The other group included mostly children who were brought
with Polish mothers sent to Ravensbrück after the collapse of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
With a few exceptions all these children died of starvation.
I wonder how Beck or Palin or Limbaugh or any of the others who believe their crap would like to watch one of his children starve to death.


Besides the male Nazi administrators, the camp staff included over
150 female SS guards assigned to oversee the prisoners at one time
during the camp's operational period.
Ravensbrück served as a training camp for over 4,000 female
overseers. The technical term for a female guard in a Nazi camp was an Aufseherin. The women either stayed in the camp or eventually served in other camps.
Quite a few of these women went on to serve as chief wardresses in
other camps. Several dozen block overseers (Blockführerinnen),
accompanied by dogs, SS men and whips oversaw the prisoners in their
living quarters in Ravensbrück, at roll call and during food
These women were usually described as inhumane and
sadistic. At any single time, a report overseer (Rapportführerin)
handled the roll calls and general discipline of the internees. Rosel Laurenzen originally served as head of the labor pool at the camp (Arbeitdienstführerin) along with her assistant Gertrud Schoeber.
The treatment
by the SS women in Ravensbrück was normally brutal. Elfriede Muller, an SS Aufseherin in the camp was so harsh that the prisoners nicknamed her "The Beast of Ravensbrück".
When a new prisoner arrived at Ravensbrück she was required to wear a color-coded triangle (a Winkel)
that identified her by category with a letter sewn within the triangle
indicating the prisoner's nationality. Polish women wore a red triangle
denoting a political prisoner with a letter "P". By 1942, Polish women became the largest national component at the camp. Jewish women
wore yellow triangles but sometimes, unlike the other prisoners, they
wore a second triangle for the other categories or for "race defilement".
Some detainees had their hair shaved, such as those from Czechoslovakia
and Poland, but "Aryan" transports did not. In 1943, for instance, a
group of Norwegian women came to the camp. (Norwegians/Scandinavians
were ranked by the Nazis as the purest of all Aryans.)
None had their
hair shaved. Between 1942 and 1943 almost all Jewish women from the
Ravensbrück camp were sent to Auschwitz in several transports following
Nazi policy to make Germany "Judenrein" (cleansed of Jews).
Common criminals wore green triangles, Soviet prisoners of war, German and Austrian Communists had red triangles and members of the Jehovah's Witnesses were labeled with lavender triangles. Classified separately with black triangles were prostitutes, Gypsies, lesbians, or women who refused to marry.
Based on the Nazis incomplete transport list "Zugangsliste"
consisting 25,028 names of women sent by Nazis to the camp, it is
estimated that the Ravensbrück prisoner population's ethnic structure
was the following: Poles 24.9%, Germans 19.9%, Jews 15.1%, Russians 15.0%, French 7.3%, Gypsies 5.4%, other 12.4%.
Gestapo categorized the inmates as follows: political 83.54%, anti-social 12.35%, criminal 2.02%, Jehovah Witnesses 1.11%, racial defilement 0.78%, other 0.20%.
The list is one of the most important documents,
preserved in the last moments of the camp operation by courageous
members of the Polish underground girl guides unit "Mury" (The Walls). The rest of the camp documents were burned by escaping SS overseers in pits or in the crematorium.
Inmates at Ravensbrück suffered greatly. Living in subhuman
conditions, thousands were shot, strangled, gassed, buried alive or
worked to death.
Periodically, the SS authorities subjected prisoners in
the camp to "selections" in which the Germans isolated those prisoners
considered too weak or injured to work and killed them.
At first
"selected" prisoners were shot. Beginning in 1942 they were transferred
to "euthanasia" killing centers or to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. The SS staff also murdered some prisoners in the camp infirmary by lethal injection.
Starting in the summer of 1942, medical experiments were conducted without consent on 86 women; 74 of them were Polish
inmates. There were two types of the experiments done on the Polish
political prisoners. The first type tested the efficacy of sulfonamide drugs.
These experiments involved deliberate cutting into and infecting
leg bones and muscles with virulent bacteria, cutting nerves,
introducing substances like pieces of wood or glass into tissues and
fracturing bones.
The second set of experiments studied bone, muscle and
nerve regeneration and the possibility of transplanting bones from one
person to another. Out of the 74 Polish victims, called Króliki, Kaninchen, Lapins or Rabbits by the experimenters, five died as a result of the experiments, six
with unhealed wounds were executed and the rest survived with permanent
physical damage, due to assistance from other inmates. Four of them —
Jadwiga Dzido, Maria Broel-Plater, Władysława Karolewska and Maria
Kuśmierczuk — testified against Nazi doctors at the Doctors' Trial in 1946.
Between 120 and 140 Gypsy women were sterilized in the camp in January 1945. All of them were unaware of the full
consequences because they'd been deceived into signing the consent form
after being told by the camp overseers that the German authorities would
release them if they complied.
All inmates were required to do heavy labor ranging from strenuous outdoor jobs to building the V-2 rocket parts for Siemens. The SS also built several factories near Ravensbrück for the production of textiles and electrical components.
The women forced to work at Ravensbrück concentration camps
industries used their skills in sewing and the fact that they had access
to the factory to make shoddy soldiers' socks. They made adjustments on
the machines to make the fabric thin at the heel and the toe, which
made the socks easily broken when the German soldiers marched. This gave
the soldiers sore feet.
For the women in the camp, it was important to retain some of their
dignity and the feeling that they were still human beings. Therefore,
they made necklaces, bracelets and other personal items like small dolls
and books to keep as part of their dignity. These personal effects were
of great importance to the women and many of them risked their lives to
keep these possessions. Some of these types of effects can be seen at
the exhibition “voices from Ravensbrück” (culture in Lund, Sweden).

Death march and liberation

Female prisoners, the white chalk sign shows they have been selected for transport with Swedish Red Cross

With the Soviet Army's rapid approach in the Spring of 1945 the SS decided to exterminate as many prisoners as they could in order to
avoid leaving anyone to testify as to what had happened in the camp.
With the Russians only hours away, at the end of March, the SS ordered
the women still physically well enough to walk to leave the camp,
forcing over 20,000 prisoners on a death march toward northern
Shortly before the evacuation, the Germans had handed over
7000 female prisoners, mostly French, to officials of the Swedish and
Danish Red Cross.
Fewer than 3,500 malnourished and sickly women and 300
men remained in the camp when it was liberated by the Red Army on April 30, 1945. The survivors of the Death March were liberated in the following hours by a Russian scout unit.
By the time liberation came for the survivors, tens of thousands
(estimates are about 30,000 to 40,000) of women and children had
perished there.
SS guards, female guards and former prisoners with administrative
positions at the camp were arrested at the end of the war by the Allies and tried at the Hamburg Ravensbrück Trials from 1946 to 1948. Sixteen of the accused were found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to death.
This is the kind of man Hitler was and to compare Obama or any other American law-abiding citizen to him is reckless, immature and inexcusable.

posted on Jan 6, 2012 1:15 PM ()


The vile comments comparing our leader to Hitler are despicable, not to mention horrifying. Thanks for the history lesson.
comment by solitaire on Jan 8, 2012 5:57 AM ()
Some believe that the holocaust never existed. I can never forget the stories my first husband told me when he returned from World War II. He
helped liberate the camp where the notorious lamp shades of human skin were
made. To call anyone Hitler is beyond belief. I look at the Republican
candidates and the extreme right wing of the party and can't believe what
I am seeing and hearing.
comment by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 6:14 AM ()
A very good post.Yes,we do have some hate out there towards our President.
Very distasteful and not sure what is their problems.
Obama is going to win and we are going to help him to win.
I have order a huge sign to put in between our neighbors yard.Now forgot one think Mike said that you better ask him.I am not sure what he is Dem or Rep.Will find out soon.
But I am going to find a spot.He is my man and my President.
We may have to work hard but we will do it.
comment by fredo on Jan 6, 2012 2:43 PM ()
He's my man too, Fredo; but this hatred that has been spewed about him is completely vicious and inexcusable.. These people need to spend just one day in a concentration camp of the type Hitler set up all over Germany. They would be so glad to get back to the U.S. they would be kissing Obama's feet.
reply by redimpala on Jan 6, 2012 7:11 PM ()
An appalling, utterly untrue comparison, a sign of the perversion which laces the commentary of the far right. I have been to Dachau, and wept at what I have seen. I have known survivors of that horror. That the horrors of the SS Final Solution would be used to pander to the base elements of the Republicans is repulsive in the extreme. Why these people aren't rejected totally by Republicans as they perverts they are is frankly disgraceful.
comment by marta on Jan 6, 2012 2:06 PM ()
It is disgraceful. Man's inhumanity to man is beyond comprehension, and these filthy commentators and politicians are using it to influence people's thinking, most of whom have only a vague idea of what Hitler really did to people during that time.
reply by redimpala on Jan 6, 2012 2:14 PM ()
It's a shame our political system and media commentators have lowered themselves to senseless name calling.
comment by troutbend on Jan 6, 2012 1:18 PM ()
And so have many people. I read it all the time on Blogster and Facebook. It incenses me when I know how people suffered under Hitler to have anyone call our President "Hitler." These people are either ignorant or stupid or both. They really need to be educated as to what really went on when Hitler was in power.
reply by redimpala on Jan 6, 2012 1:36 PM ()

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