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Entertainment > Humor > The Ode to the Commode Bowl!

The Ode to the Commode Bowl!

Well, actually, that's not entirely true.  In keeping with business' take-over of "bowl" events, the official title of this bowl game is the Clorox Toilet Bowl!
Hey, I'm not making this stuff up!  If that title "smells" a little, I promise this is for real.  The first ever Clorox Toilet Bowl will be played January 13 in New Orleans.   The game even has its own facebook page with nearly 60,000 hits already
."The Clorox Toilet Bowl is the latest program from the Ode to the Commode campaign, which celebrates and elevates the toilet so it's no longer the butt of jokes. 
 At facebook.com/odetothecommode, fans can participate in  the video game, partyblox, which can even be downloaded to "play on the go"!  There's also a link to "fun facts about the toilet" and a place to "flush your friends down the toilet"!  Why bother poking them when you can flush them down the commode? 
This is for real, folks!  Even I couldn't make up something THIS outragous!!
As Toilet Bowls have traditionally been a game  played between the two worst teams, we felt it was time to raise the profile of these games and blow the lid off the family football tradition," said Alice Warren, brand manager for the Clorox Family of Toilet Products.
 "This year the fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters and friends who come together every year to clean-up the competition on the fields of their neighborhood parks and schools, will have a chance to win more than just bragging rights. It's a bowl game for everyone."
Game Also Celebrates a Great American City

In addition to celebrating the great American tradition of bowl games, Clorox chose  New Orleans, since it already is home to one of the five annual BCS bowl games. But more than five years after Hurricane Katrina, many of the city's parks and fields -the home of do-it-yourself bowl games- are still working to rebuild.

To ensure New Orleans families can have access to safe fields -and their fans will have clean toilets - for their future holiday season Toilet Bowl games, Clorox will make a $25,000 donation to the Friends of City Park to go towards bathroom improvement at New Orleans City Park.
The Clorox Toilet Bowl game will be played on City Park's Pan American Stadium Field. Like the games that inspired the movement, the Clorox Toilet Bowl will be a casual, flag-football game played by friends for the love of the game and in the spirit of tradition.
The game celebrates an American sports custom but will be anything but routine. A couple elements that go outside the norm of traditional Toilet Bowl games include the use of toilet paper "flags".
Fans had an opportunity to enter their favorite teams from Thanksgiving until December 10.  Clorox selected the finalists that will play for the right to clean the dirtiest toilets around.   Just kidding!
If you like to learn more about this story and how to enter your team next year, click on the facebook page linked above where you can enter a "friend" request and learn everything there is to know about nasty toilets! 

posted on Jan 2, 2011 8:40 AM ()


I'm "flushed" with excitement!
comment by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 7:05 AM ()
Now, aren't you clever!!
reply by timetraveler on Jan 3, 2011 8:31 AM ()
that's an interesting read with a good subject reminds me of chili--now where's my commode
comment by kevinhere on Jan 2, 2011 8:52 PM ()
Better hurry! You know that chili!!!
reply by timetraveler on Jan 3, 2011 8:32 AM ()
Are you still celebrating last nights wonderful bowl game? I am, even the
thoughts of dirty toilets don't bring me down.
comment by elderjane on Jan 2, 2011 1:56 PM ()
Oh! Yes, I am!!!But if I hear one more announcer make reference to "the five straight BCS bowl games Bob Stoops lost before winning this one...", I am going to throw up!
reply by timetraveler on Jan 2, 2011 2:59 PM ()
"Ode to the Commode" — hilarious!!
comment by marta on Jan 2, 2011 10:23 AM ()
Don't miss my previous post, "Achmed, The Dead Terrorist." You will laugh aloud. It is SO FUNNY!
reply by redimpala on Jan 2, 2011 10:48 AM ()
Really!! I laughed as Holly read the post last night to me.
reply by redimpala on Jan 2, 2011 10:47 AM ()
You are on a roll today!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 2, 2011 9:00 AM ()
Yep! I'm "rollin'" right along this New Year! (Another gem from Holly).
reply by redimpala on Jan 2, 2011 9:50 AM ()

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