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My Wild Dreams

News & Issues > America: If This Doesn''t Frighten You, it Should

America: If This Doesn''t Frighten You, it Should



Make no mistake about it!  The United States is in bed with the Saudis, who have produced more terrorists than any other country in the world.

Why?  Because Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil to the U.S. of any country in the Middle East where 55% of the oil reserves in the world are located. While the Saudis pretend to be our friend, making donations to Harvard, and a Christian/Muslim Center in Washington, D.C., they stab us in the back with the other hand.

While simultaneously exporting oil to the United States and allowing us to maintain a secret air base deep in the desert, the Saudis are pouring billions of dollars into mosques, colleges, schools, and islamic centers around the world to advance their particular brand of hatred against the United States, European nations, and even other Muslims.

In fact, since 1973, according to Reza F. Safa, author of Inside Islam, Since the Saudi royal family began to grow oil rich, the Saudi government (i.e. the royal family) has spent some 87 billion dollars in the " United States, Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe. According to official Saudi information, Saudi funds have been used to build and maintain over 1,500 mosques, 202 colleges, 210 Islamic Centers wholly or partly financed by Saudi Arabia, and almost 2,000 schools for educating Muslim children in non-Islamic countries in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia." ( https://www.jfednepa.org/mark%20silverberg/wahhabi.html 

Safi goes on to state that the Saudi government has fully or partially funded islamic centers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Fresno, Chicago, New York, Washington, Tucson, Raleigh, N.C., and Toledo, Ohio as well as Austria, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and even in some Muslim countries such as Morocco, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Djibuti.  They have also secretly funded The Taliban in Afghanistan in its war with America.

Saudi aid to Muslim countries comes with a price also. and most of the recipient institutions end up promoting Wahhabi Islam.  

What's so frightening about that is that Wahhabi Islam, the official brand of Islam of Saudi Arabia, is an extremist fundamental Sunni version of Islam that does not recognize the Shi'a  or any other sect of Islam as the true religion.

Those Muslims who do not adhere to Wahhabi are considered infidels.  It goes without saying that Wahhabi Islam does not consider Jews or Christians as true believers. They especially hate Jews;  They consider Wahhabi Islam to be the only true religion; and that it is their duty to eliminate those who oppose it and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout the world.

This is a religion that believes that women are subject to their husband's whims, that homosexuals should be put to death, that women must keep their heads covered, and that it is their duty to teach their children to practice jihad to the point of death against all the non-believers.

They have no qualms teaching their children to sacrifice their lives for Wahhabi Islam.

They also believe that statues to heroes, tombstones, and any other type of recognition of an individual such as Buddha must be destroyed, as they see these as symbols of people beginning to worship something or someone other than Allah. They consider Christians polytheistic because we worship the Holly Trinity. They cannot grasp the concept of "Three as One." In their mind, we are denigrating God by placing Jesus and the Holy Spirit in equal status with God


6They do not believe in pilgrimages to sites to honor even Muhammed. They further believe that the final battle of the world will be fought between Jews and Muslims when they will finally eradicate every Jew from this world. 

They teach in their schools around the world that the Jews started World War II, the French Revolution and the Bolshevek Revolution in Russia.

In Wahhabi textbooks, Israel is not recognized as a sovereign state and its name does not appear on any map. Instead, all maps bear the name Palestine. Israeli regions such as the Negev and cities such as Haifa and Acre are presented as Palestinian. Palestine is presented as a Muslim country occupied by foreigners who defile its Muslim holy places, especially the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The occupation of Palestine is portrayed as the most crucial problem of the Arabs and the Muslims, ìwho should all join forces for the total liberation of Palestine and its purification" from the Zionists. 

Nor is peace between Muslims and non-Muslims advocated. Instead, the Saudi textbooks, even grammar books, are full of phrases exalting war, Jihad, and martyrdom with interpretations consistent with those at the beginning of this book

The Saudi textbooks do prove one thing as a certainty - Wahhabism rejects Western democracy, and praises the type of regime Saudi Arabia has embraced, the character of which is attributed to Islamic directives. 

For American Muslim moderates, the harsh reality of having their religion hijacked by Wahhabi radicals is something they have yet to confront. "Radical Islamic groups have now taken over leadership of the 'mainstream' Islamic institutions in the United States and anyone who pretends otherwise is deliberately engaging in self-deception," said the late Seif Ashmawi, an Egyptian-American newspaper publisher. 

The Saudis have funded more than 80 percent of the Wahhabi-influenced mosques built in the United States within the last 20 years. 

And the most malleable minds belong to Muslim children. An estimated 30,000 Muslim children attend Saudi-funded Wahhabi day schools in America. Intolerance and outright rejection of American values and democratic ideals - classical Wahabbism - are often taught. 

As a rule, Wahhabi worshippers do not embrace the American religious community's spirit of inter-faith cooperation. They are distinctly isolationist. This attitude came to light as early as the 1990's, when Wahhabi mosques in America refused to accept help from local churches wanting to donate food to Bosnian Muslims. 

Confirming the parallel findings of the CMIP study, Keating concludes that Wahhabism will not work with infidels, even if the purpose is to save other Muslims. 

The Saudis, meanwhile, have directed considerable outreach toward the American Black Muslim community. In one effort to showcase the bounties of Wahhabism to this target audience, the Saudis' enfeebled King Fahd pledged as much as $8M for a lavish mosque in shabby South Central Los Angeles. 

The Saudis' Islamic Development Bank pledged an additional $295,000 for a school attached to the mosque. From the Saudi perspective, this and other similar contributions are less an expense than an investment.

According to Reza Safa, an authority on the manner in which Wahhabism is spread throughout the world, "as many as 90 percent of American converts to Islam are black." According to some estimates, if the conversion rate continues, Islam could emerge as the dominant religion among urban blacks.

Wahhabi Prison Outreach

The Saudiís also have a special program aimed at converting blacks in prison. In a well-documented June 2002 article in the Washington Times, Cal Thomas noted that the program is funded by Saudi Arabian money through the National Islamic Prison Foundation which underwrites a "prison outreach" program designed to convert large numbers of African-American inmates not only to Wahhabism, but to its political objectives including virulent anti-Americanism. 

The Wall Street Journal (February 5, 2003) also confirmed that Wahhabism is making serious inroads into the black population of American prisons. It quoted a New York-based Wahhabi imam, Warith Deen Umar (who until his retirement in 2000 helped run New York's growing Islamic prison program by recruiting and training dozens of chaplains and ministering to thousands of inmates himself) as saying:  

ìThe 9/11 hijackers should be honored as martyrs. The U.S. risks further terrorism attacks because it oppresses Muslims around the world. Without justice, there will be warfare, and it can come to this country too." 

The natural candidates to help press such an attack, in his view are African-Americans who embraced Islam in prison. Prison dawa, or the spreading of the faith, has become a priority for the Saudi Arabian government. The Islamic Affairs Department of the Saudi Embassy in Washington disseminates hundreds of copies of the Quran each month, as well as religious pamphlets and videos to prison chaplains and Islamic groups who then pass them along to inmates. 

The Saudi government also pays for prison chaplains, along with many other American Muslims, to travel to Saudi Arabia for worship and study during the hajj, the traditional winter pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are supposed to make at least once in their lives. The trips, courtesy of the Saudi government, typically cost $3,000 a person and last several weeks.

Prison authorities believe that these converted inmates could serve as terrorists once they are released, murdering their own countrymen in a kind of "payback" for perceived injustices done to them by white America. 

On October 20, 2002, the New York Times quoted Faheem Shuaibe, imam at a large, predominately black mosque in Oakland, Calif., as saying that more than 200 African-American imams have been trained so far in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Shuaibe told the newspaper: 

"This was a very deliberate recruitment process by the Saudis - trying to find black Muslims who had a real potential for Islamic learning and also for submission to their agenda. They taught Islam with the intent to expand their influence. A principal target was to stop the indigenous Muslim leadership in America from tinkering with their religion." 

According to the Times story, the brand of Islam being taught and exported was Wahhabism.

This is a trend worth watching. Many of America's black Muslims have harshly criticized America and have deemed it an "immoral society." Increasingly, black Muslims oppose U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, and are adopting a Saudi-influenced view of Arab-Israeli relations.

Other Wahhabis in the U.S. advocate a Saudi-style approach to American government. Daniel Pipes reports that significant elements within the American Islamic community seek to replace our Constitution with the Quran. A ludicrous fantasy, to be sure; but one that offers a glimpse of Wahhabi dreams for America.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey told Congress:

"Wahhabi extremism today is the soil in which al Qaeda and its sister terrorist organizations are growing." 

Our problem is that we are not just fighting terrorists and their financial supporters. We are also fighting a religious ideology. 

According to the Council on Foreign Relations Report, Saudi Arabia is the largest source of financing for al-Qaeda, and blamed both the U.S. and Saudi governments for not being tough enough. 

Matthew Levitt, has said that ìSaudi officials and state-paid religious leaders sit on the boards of charities that the American government suspects of supporting terrorism.î

Let there be no doubt. Al Qaeda ideology is essentially Wahhabism, and most, if not all members of al Qaeda are ideologically Wahhabist. Billions of Saudi dollars are flowing through legitimate businesses, charitable front organizations, Islamic Centers, academies, private schools, wealthy Saudi individuals and world wide criminal activities for the sole purpose of promoting a religious philosophy that is antithetical to democracy, the democratic ideals of freedom, tolerance, religious pluralism and Western civilization as we know it.

Until the administration confronts this reality in a decisive manner, lasting progress in the war on terrorism is unlikely. Wahhabism, by its very nature and history, represents a nascent fifth column in America.

Much of the information in this blog is provided by the author of the article:  https://www.jfednepa.org/mark%20silverberg/wahhabi.html

posted on Sept 7, 2010 8:34 AM ()


It is not just among Muslims that the fundamentalists are gaining in strength and numbers. Look at our own Christian religions. It is scary because it will not end well.
comment by dragonflyby on Sept 13, 2010 8:15 AM ()
We need a heck of a lot more wind power. I thought men kissed each other's
cheeks not lips. The picture is disgusting.
comment by elderjane on Sept 7, 2010 5:24 PM ()
Sadly too many USA politicians depend on that oil money!!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 7, 2010 5:19 PM ()
I think the government has been aware for a long time that the Saudi regime is the money behind Al Quaeda. It always has been Wahhabi cash that funded Bin Laden and his ilk. They are just too afraid of an oil embargo to do anything about it. It's also time to face a fact: Unless we achieve energy independence, we lost.
comment by jondude on Sept 7, 2010 12:08 PM ()
Of course, they have known it. It's the reason Guiliani refused the $10 million dollar check that Prince Alhaweed offered him to help the 9-11 victims. But you are right...it's all about oil. We absolutely MUST develop alternative energy sources so we can tell the Saudis to stick it where the sun don't shine.
reply by redimpala on Sept 7, 2010 12:56 PM ()

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