Chris bought M a puppy back in Feb. I have to admit I love her more than I thought I would. She's a furry little shih tzu named Lilly. Man, is she headstrong! So of course Chris says she fits in the family very well!
The little doll had her first visit to the groomer last week. The bow didn't even make the day. She wanted it out of her hair so badly. Scratched her head so much it looked like she had a terrible case of fleas!
The point of this was to try and help M with her fear of dogs. We figured how could you be scared of something that only weighed two pounds! Well, she weighs five pounds now and she's still a little scared. Mainly because Lilly chases her all over the house trying to bite her feet!
Lilly and I get along really well though. It might have to do with the feeding and treats I give to her! She knows where her food comes from. Actually, it has more to do with M's lack of knowledge with puppies and J's fondness for big dogs. (I'll have to post a pic of his "babies" some time soon!)
We're trying to potty train her to use a litter box. She has the potty pad down pretty good but she's still a little afraid to climb in the litter box. I can't really believe I'm trying to litter train a dog. It just didn't seem fair to train her for outside as strange as our hours are.
I think she's going to enjoy the summer though. Someone will be home most of the day and the little scamp can wander in the house most of the day. I'm also hoping that will calm her down some. Don't worry though-I'll keep you updated with pictures and stories!