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Just My Musings...

Parenting & Family > The Day Finally Came

The Day Finally Came

M has been asking questions about Santa this year. Lots of questions. You know the ones; Is Santa real? Does he make all of those toys? Those questions. It's been sad and funny at the same time.

She wanted a Wii for Christmas this year. We told her if that was what she wished for that would be the only Santa present she got. That didn't make sense to her-Santa makes the presents, not buys them. I responded he had to buy the parts! There were lots of little comments though. I guess several of the kids in her class don't believe in Santa anymore.

We took the picture though. She would ask leading questions about how the whole Santa process worked. If my answers came too close to true she would tell me, "Mommy, don't ruin my Christmas joy!"

Our Christmas morning was a little strange. We spent the night at our house but she wanted to do Santa at my parents. When we woke up we called and headed over there. There just wasn't any real Christmas joy to her reaction. She got the Wii and some games we thought she would enjoy. No big shock there.

My dad always has a Santa gift for her outside under the M tree. It's a tree he planted her first Christmas. There's a big ornament on it for every year also. Santa always leaves a note with that one. My dad does a really good job on Christmas gifts. There's lots of thought put into it and it's always a surprise. So this year there was a note from Santa about her piano recital this year and Santa thought she might need a piano for practicing. He bought her a new keyboard. Still no excitement.

So when we came home, we had the TALK. If you know me, you know I've been planning what to tell her about this subject. I think she actually was relieved to know the truth.

Santa Claus is not really about the guy in the red suit. He's about that spirit of kindness and love for others. She picked out all of my presents this year so she understood how it feels to plan and ponder that "perfect" gift.

So it's the end of Santa cookies for us.

posted on Dec 26, 2008 9:56 PM ()


I think you did pretty good. The idea that all of us can be "Santa" is a great way to think about it.
comment by busymichmom on Dec 28, 2008 8:41 AM ()
I think you capture the important thing on the head with your final comments. The idea of Santa is limited to the idea of a single man, and she seems to get the joy that can be brought about through giving so that is good.
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 27, 2008 8:49 AM ()
I still side with the bright kids on this even tho I'm 55 years old. I had it figured out by the time I was 6 or 7 and I knew for sure when I discovered a red wagon in a room I wasn't supposed to go in. I understand (intellectually) how moms want to hold on to those years. But when I told mine that I knew what it was all about she still tried to deny it. I was pissed and hurt that she would insult my intelligence like that. She's long dead, but if I was to hold a resentment, it would be about that.
It turned out for the best the next year when I was able to help my dad be Santa for my youngest (7 years behind me) brother. Maybe M will find a more grownup way to get excited about Christmas by next year!
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 27, 2008 7:46 AM ()
Those were the saddest Christmas' of all....when my boys realized the truth. You did a great job of explaining the real meaning of Christmas to her. She will carry that in her heart and Christmas in the future will be about sharing and giving instead of receiving. Good job.
comment by gapeach on Dec 27, 2008 7:30 AM ()

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