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Just My Musings...

Life & Events > Relationships > Married Life-things That Make You Go Hmm

Married Life-things That Make You Go Hmm

So J and I will have been married three months next week. Every day is a new adventure and I don't have enough time to share all of the "adventures."

J has to be at work at 5:15 in the morning-his choice. So he gets up about 3:30. I have inservice this week and have to get up at 6:30. Being the considerate man that he is, he usually turns on his battery operated Coleman lantern in the morning so he doesn't wake me up. He had put it "somewhere" this morning so he had to turn on the lamp to find it. (J is one of those people who likes everything in its place. But sometimes its place is the nearest cubby he can find to stick it!) I decided to go get in bed with M so he could just get ready. (And so I could get 3 more hours of uninterrupted sleep.) Then J comes in to tell me he's leaving...and to inform me he has no clean underwear. I really don't know why he thought I cared about that at 4:30 in the morning. I tell him the laundry is separated in the laundry room and he can start the load when he gets home this afternoon. "I have clean underwear in the laundry room?" he asks. "No, I tell him again...the laundry is separated in the laundry room. Just throw that load in when you get home." So I get home this afternoon. He has put the load of laundry in-sort of. He has taken all of underwear out of the separated load of laundry and only washed it. I'm not sure exactly why...and honestly I don't want to ask! Now before you think I don't do laundry, I do. Evidently just not fast enough.

M and I get home this afternoon. J is outside mowing the yard. We open the door and Lily comes bounding to meet us. Lily is the cute little puppy on my avatar. The one that is 4 months old! Before I can ask M does. "What's Lily doing out by herself?" "She's being a good puppy and I've got all the doors closed," J answers. So we take off looking down the hall. It doesn't take long at all the find the "present" she's left us. Lily is doing really good at potty training but SHE'S ONLY 4 MONTHS OLD! It's usually M's job to clean up the accidents but guess who got to clean up this one!

I keep reminding myself it's all about the adjustments!

posted on June 18, 2008 2:46 PM ()


The underwear story is funny... Why didn't he just throw the whole load in? Men...

and I still adore your puppy.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 19, 2008 7:51 AM ()
You will get used to eachother. Btw isnt his underwear a matter of him in stead of you?
comment by itsjustme on June 19, 2008 3:17 AM ()
The Underwear story is so funny! Reminds me of my 1st year all over again!
comment by greeneyedgemini on June 18, 2008 6:48 PM ()
I got Donna out of that separating the laundry habit! Only took a few months, and I haven't heard another word about it. I do the laundry (since she doesn't get it done on time either) and that's that!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 18, 2008 5:00 PM ()
Commit to get through it together,
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 3:53 PM ()
That first year with Ken and I were so fun..*rolls eyes* My son about a lot of adjustments..I remember a lot of tears and shouting, and a lot...lot of give and take. It worked out...but it wasn't all fun..
comment by elfie33 on June 18, 2008 3:51 PM ()
LOL! It can be tough to get to used to living with someone else. I remember how it was when Ray and I first moved in together.
comment by lunarhunk on June 18, 2008 2:48 PM ()

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