Suburban teen Angela Chase (Claire Danes)

is changing, but her hair color isn't the only thing that's different. She's also pulling away from her parents to spend more time with a new crop of friends -- and a major crush (Jared Leto)

with amazing eyes. Along with launching the careers of Leto & Danes (who won a Golden Globe in the series' first and only season), this teen drama garnered a loyal cult following before its cancellation. This disc includes the following episodes:
4. Father Figures - In multi-generational father-daughter conflict, Patty must take control of the printing business from her father, and Angela approaches Graham for the first time as a person rather than a superhero. 2.63 stars (Dale-2.5, David-2.75)
5. The Zit - Angela and Patty come to grips with the feeling that they are not measuring up to some standard of beauty as Angela breaks out and Patty develops laugh lines. 2.25 stars (Dale-3.5, David-1)
6. The Substitute - Liberty High deals with the issue of censorship when a substitute English teacher encourages students to write liberal poetry for the school paper column. 3.5 stars.
7. Why Jordan Can't Read - Angela makes a real connection with Jordan when she discovers that he has difficulty reading. 2.75 stars (Dale-3, David-2.5)
Rated NR 3 hours 1994
2.78 stars Disc 2. 3.06 stars Series. Slowly going down hill on this disc but still an ok series.