Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Things Aren't Going to Good!

Things Aren't Going to Good!

Well where to start.. I think it was in dec some time if not before that I don't remember, but I started to throw up all the time and I think that was going on for about a month had to be longer then that before I though I should tell someone because I wasn't that worried about it, but when it got to the point to where I couldn't eat that much anymore and where I was throwing up all the time even if it was just pop or water and I didn't have to eat to throw up, and I was getting sick to my stomach when I ate or when I wasn't eatting I would get sick to my stomach and we had to clue what was going on. The crazy thing is I felt fine all the time I never wanted to miss work because of how bad I felt or because I was throwing up and all that stupid stuff that was going on. I would still go to school ya it may be two days a week but I'm sure most people wouldn't do anything if they were throwing up like I was. I just don't get it how I was throwing up all the time and couldn't eat that much but I still could do everything that I wanted to do that just doesn't make any sence. Another thing that I have seen and a lot of other people have to that I have lost a lot of weight and I think I have lost maybe over 30lbs but my best friend told me that I had to of lost over 50lbs and I'm starting to think shes right about that because none of my clothes fit me anymore and I just don't know what to do or think about it anymore! So I told my mom before I had to go to my dr appotment for my seizures in jan sometime and she told me to say something to them about it and when I was up there, so when I was at my dr. app I told them about it and they told me that they didn't think it could be my medication, and then I got asked if I was prago, they ran some test to see if they could find anything but they didn't when I was there, so they told me I had to go to my family dr. So the next week I went to my family dr. and told him everything that was going on and he was starting to think I was making myself throw up and after that I was PISSED because why in the fuck would I do that.. if I wanted to lose the weight I would work for it not make myself throw up, so he told me what he thought was wrong with me but I can't think of what it is right now, so he put me on some meds, and after he did that I have been able to eat a lot better now, I still get sick to my stomach all the time but at least I'm not throwing up anymore!! then I had to go back a week later so he could see how the meds worked for me, then after that he wanted to run more test because I told him my stomach still hurt and when he pushed on it, that killed even on my back, so he wanted to get more test done, so did that a different week and then they thought they found something on that test they did, so they had to run more test the two days later, then on that test they didn't find anything wrong with me, this is killing me because I have no clue what is wrong with me, my stomach hurts all the time and my back its hurting all the time now and I don't know if that has anything to do with it but I think it does, so when my mom was telling me that they didn't find anything she told me that the dr. said if I start throwing up again we are going to have to start some place else or run the same test again or something like that.. buts its all stupid because I want to know now.. because its getting to the point to it feels like I can't do anything my whole body is starting to hurt and thats killing me, then to top that off my best friend told me I'm getting to the point to where I look like I'm sick but the sad thing is I'm not sick we just don't know whats wrong with me. Then to top all that off, I work all the time, I go to school two days a week, and I want to hang out with my friends all the time, but then again it just feels like I can never get anything done.. I'm getting to the point to where I don't want to go to school anymore but I do because I want to get a better job then I have now, I never do my school work anymore because I'm always tired n just want to go right to bed when I get home or play on the computer for a bit before I go to bed, if not my friends alway get me to hang out with them for some reason I can never say no and I'm sure thats because I love hanging out with them, and then I have also seen at work it looks like they are cutting my hrs that kills me because I want to get my own place but then again if I dont work so many days out of the week then maybe I could get my school work done but what am I talking about I could be doing it right now, I'm just getting to the point to where I don't care about anything I just want to give up on everything and say who cares with whats wrong with me.. n if I die because of whatevers wrong with me then whatever.. who cares.. this is how much I don't care anymore... and guys can just f**k off all I care anymore.. I thought I found someone but he just seems like a player and thats not going to fly with me.. oh yeah with me not being able to drive yet that bothers me to.. its just all killing me.. cuz its still feels like I have to have someone holding my hand when I do everything.. and it f**king sucks.. I want to be able to do everything on my own that a lot of other ppl can do.. but whatever so I just might as well give up now while I can I guess... whatever I think I better shut... well maybe someday things will be better but I don't see it!!  

posted on Feb 8, 2010 7:55 PM ()

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