Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Happy Moment ... .

Happy Moment ... .

Well this weekend was fun for me, I had a weekend off for once sin I started working, so I went and stayed at a friends and went shopping for some new clothes sin I had lost all that weight and none of my damn clothes fight me anymore.. and the sad thing about that is, I spent all my money and I have to get my tat finished on tuesday so I hope my sister can help me out with that because it wont be that much, and I can just pay her back when I get paid again, or when I get some money or whatever... well anyways.. today I though would suck in it is that one of the days I hate... well I guess I can't say it was that bad, well my friend brought me home and I started to clean and wash some clothes and watched movies while I was going though all my crap and then later on, I had another friend ask me if I wanted to right with her to take the kids home that she was watching and I told her yes as long as we could go see my grandma sin she isn't doing that good. I didn't want to go because all I wanted to do was clean and wash my clothes and go through all my crap but I ended up going with her and then going to see my grandma, but then came home and did a few things took a shower and watched a t.v show with my mom then watched a movie and played on the computer..
later on I get this phone call not knowing whos calling me.. I say ok whatever.. but my HAPPY MOMENT for the day was me getting this phone call from one of my best friends that I have not seen for like 2yrs that we figured out when we were talking, yeah we may have talked once in a while but not as much as I would have loved to talk to him, come on he was my best friend before he moved, and he still was after he moved, I would talk to him just about every night for the longest time and all that good stuff, and then when he came to town to see his family we would hang out but there was some times that we wouldn't get to hang out, and that sucked, come on he was my best friend and we were damn close to going out the way I looked at it.. lol but then again I never seen it as that, I just seen him as my best friend we could talk about anything and everything with each other, I don't know what it is but he told me at one point and time that I was the only one that he could tell me everything that was going on in his life, I'm still trying to figure that one out but thats ok.. maybe someday I will.. but anyways.. tonight when I got that phone call and he told me who it was I just got that one big smile on my face that no one has not see in a long time, and I'm sure it will be on my face for a few days, because I got to talk to one of my best friends that I have not got to talk to for a long time, come on, I have been thinking about him just about everyday for the longest time because I have not talked to him for so long and I didn't know if he was ok, or if he had a cell phone still or not, I have a number for him but I never wanted to try to call it because I didn't know if he still had the phone or what could of happen.. if you know what I mean, we got to talk about a few things but not as much as I would have liked to talk to him about, but what can I say, he didn't have much time to talk, but he told me that he wants to come back to this damn town and get everything figured out and get his life back together and when he said that it made me so happy but the only thing is.. I just hope he can fallow throgh with it this time because last time he told me that I think he was only in town for a day and when back, and when he was in town I never got to see him, and that really up set me but what can I say... all that matters to me is that he called me and told me what was going on and that hes ok, and that he wants to come back to get everything figured out.. all I have to say about that I hope he does!! because he needs that a lot not tryin to be mean about that but ever sin he moved he got in to the wrong group of people sorry to say, plus I would love to see him again and get to hang out with him all the time, but who knows when and if that will ever happen... all I know I'm just happy I got to talk to him tonight it was one good v-day gift lol... not really sin I hate this day but just sin he called me I will make it one good gift!! lol well he told me he will call me tomorrow night so I just hope he does because I miss talking to him every night like we use to do all the time!!

posted on Feb 14, 2010 9:23 PM ()

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