Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Kinda Crazy But What Can I Say ...

Kinda Crazy But What Can I Say ...

All I can say Is I Miss him & still Love him & I'm sure EveryBody sees that or knows that if not knew that, but what can I say I will never stop loving him I have always loved him yeah he has pissed me off many times but who hasn't lol,
But the thing is to this day I have no clue why I left him n now its starting to kill me because I don't why I left him, maybe I though he wld of been better with out me in his life or some crazy shit like that but then again who knows, but then again things were not working out with us sin I didn't have a job at that point and time so I don't know, now anymore I look back at things and I miss it all the things we use to do together and who knows what else,
well to top it off now everybody tells me that it sounds like we still dating every time we talk to each other, or we fight like we are still dating when we talk to each other I guess but thats a no because he has a girlfriend and I cant help it thats just the way we talk to eachother when we talk all the time, and thats just the way we are and thats the way it will always be the way I see it, so everybody can yell at me all they want to, and yes I do get told that we shld get back together all the time but ther is not much I can do about it, if not I get told that she should break up with his girlfriend and that we should get back together but ther is nothing I can do about it and what do I tell them or I just ask them why and they just tell me because you two get along so much better now then what you did before and its like i cant help it thats just what happen, and when ever something is wrong with one of us or whatever you would like to call it we will call each other for help and its kind of crazy yes I know, I dont get it but what can I say,
heres one for you last night or whatever night it was, i beleave it was friday night when i went and hung out with him for a birthday party and his dad was there and his little brother was there also and we were talking and his dad asked his brother how long it was, that we have been off and on and his brother was like 8 10 or how ever long it was and i was like what you have got to be kidding me and he was just saying, its been a long time, because it was ever sin I was 14 and now im 19 so its like 5yrs or how ever long that is i think its 5hrs but whatever lol but his brother was saying 6 7 8 or whatever bc its been some time and he knows everything and it scares me, n he loves me like no other, im like his sister to him i take it lol n to his dad im like another kid to him, he loves me like no other, hes worried about me like no other right now but theres nothing i can do about it, n I tried telling him that but whatever,
well I have no clue if ther is anything else right now i started writed this the other night and i really dont want to take the time to read to see where im at on what im writting about lol... but whatever it is.. i think its good for now.. lol

posted on Sept 13, 2010 10:16 PM ()

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