Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Scared But Happy ...

Scared But Happy ...

Ok here's the thing! Its kinda cool in a way scary but in a way its good to but then again I'm not for sure how to put it I guess you can figure out for yourself while you are reading it and tell me for yourself and help me out by telling me then maybe I wouldn't be so freaked out so much anymore.. I will also start out from the where it all started...
well lets see I think it was the end of november or the begnning or dec. was when I started to get sick n started to throw up all the time. it was like I couldn't eat that much anymore and when I did eat I would always throw it back up I would also throw up pop water and whatever else I would try to drink, so whatever I would put down I would throw it back up, n there was sumtimes I could go with out eatting and still throw up and its like what the heck is going on.. there was very few times that I could keep food down and I still to this day I dont know why that is... oh ya on top of all of that I was losing weight like crazy and its like ok thats cool I guess but its like I don't want to lose it this way, n before all of that happend I was thinking was I losing weight before I started getting sick like this or what.. but idk, but I was losing weight like crazy it was like 5lbs weekly if not more I'm not for sure....
then I think the end of feb or march we finely went to the dr about me throwing up and how I get sick after every time I eat and to talk about me and losing all this weight like crazy, because it was really starting to scare my mom n I like no other.. so he told me that he would put me on some kind of meds to see if they would help me eat better and try to keep me from getting sick, I don't remember what he put me on other then that I would tell ya, well that help me a bit, here and there it felt like I was going to get sick but I never did after I was taken those meds, and after they started helping and I felt a lot better I stopped taken them, oh yeah another thing.. when we went to see the dr. he was talking to me and asking me these things and at one point and time he asked me if i was making myself throw up (whatever those ppl are called I cant remember lol) I was like what the hell I'm sry I'm not fucking stupid to do that shit If I really wanted to lose weight this bad I would do it the right way!! I told that to my mom.. its like come on.. I'm not going to do it the stupid way to make myself sick and gross looking come on ppl what does he think im that stupid..
but the only thing is I'm still losing the weight, yeah yeah thats cool that I'm losing weight n everything but come on... I weighed myself maybe two or three weeks ago and it said I weighed 180 n then today it said I weighed 164 thats like 16pounds in two or three weeks that I have lost n I'm not even tryin to lose n I called my mom n talked to her about this and she was telling me that I should really go n talk to the dr. about this because my mom really thinks something is wrong with me for me to be losing all this weight when I'm not even tryin and she even made the comment that I'm even starting to look sick now I guess, she was also telling me that its not right for me to lose close to 60pounds from dec to now.. n I was telling her that I guess she is right, because to tell you in a way this stuff is freaking me out in a way I just dont know how to put all this stuff, ya its ool that I'm loseing weight maybe one day I will be able to wear the clothes that I could never wear when I was little but yet I'm really not tryin to lose weight thats the one thing that gets me
so yeah, I just don't know what to think.. thats kinda a lot to weight to lose with in that time but then again I could be wrong... n I have no clue on what part of my body I'm losing it at because theres parts of my body I still tell my friends that are fat.. n they yell at me.. but its like a joke... but whatever I guess.. they muck not see it when I'm joken around.........  
 I just wish I knew what to do or say about this stuff n all the other crap that is running around in the mind n has no where to go right now...

posted on May 25, 2010 11:26 PM ()

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