Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Crazy Things Happen!

Crazy Things Happen!

Well I'm really not for sure where to start on this one, all I can say is that CRAZY things happen for a reason and some times its scary and you just don't know what to think about it because its all good things that are going on right now lol.
Well the last month or so I have became a different person and I have to say I love it more then anything but then again some things still bug the hell out of me lol. I'm always wanting to do something so there for I'm trying to keep myself busy with whatever I can anymore. So thats a good thing and I just love it because I'm not just sitting at home doing nothing all the time like I use to or sit on the computer all day and all night long on my days off. So that makes me feel GREAT!! Well I no longer have a roommate yeah it kinda sucks but I just couldn't take it anymore, so after that and not having to deal with the crap anymore or freaking out all the time because I was worried all the time because I had no clue what was going on and we never talked anymore but whatever I don't care anymore its done and over with thats all I have to say.
I have became the person I want to be that I have seen but then again who knows lol. Yeah I have to say some of the things are a little crazy lol, now I'm more of a BI**H then anything because I'm not going to deal with anybodys crap anymore!! I'm done having everybody treating me like sh*t or however they treat me. So I hope people see that if they piss me off it wont be good because I'm not dealing with anybodys crap anymore because I'm done with it. I have delt with peoples crap way to long and its going to stop now!! I'm not going to have people try to tell me how to live my life or what I need to do anymore its done and over with, I'm going to live my life the way I want to and thats the way it is!! So to damn bad deal with it!!!
Then on the other hand I no longer drink or crazy things I use to do and I feel GREAT because of it!! It's kinda crazy for me to say that because I use to love drinking all the time and have a good time but not no more. I don't need to drink to have a good time, or any of that other bull crap. If I drink It wont be for a long time thats all I have to say because I'm trying to live my life and hang out with people I care about when I get the time to. When I was drinking I really didn't care about that all I wanted to do is drink and mess around and have a good time, but people need to realize you don't need to drink to have a good time all the time!! Just hanging out with friends and family or people you care whatever you wld like me to call it... just talking watching movies or whatever it is we want to do its all fun!!
Plus I'm going back to School this week and I can't wait for it because I have been wanting to go back for a while but then again I didn't but this time I'm ready to go back. This time around I hope everything works out for me!! I'm going to work as hard as I can and hope to get all my school work done on time and hope to pass test with a good grade I hope, I don't know how well that will work because test are really hard more me for some reason. So I'm hoping everything works out this time. I will still be working full time I beleave or thats what it seems like I'm working is full time hrs lol. Sin Im working just about everyday. Well I hope that works out because I could use the money to pay my bills and stuff like that sin I no longer have a roommate.
If I keep my head up high like I have been for the last few weeks I'm sure everything will work out just fine and school will go good for me I hope! I'm not going to let myself or anyone down this time around of going back to school because last time I tried to go to school I think I let a lot of people down, but I let myself down more then anything I will tell you that one, because I wasn't doing the work like I should have been and I never got up in the mornings to go to class only on the days I felt like it. I wasn't getting the grades I would have liked to see myself getting. So I'm going to so myself and everybody wrong this time around I hope at least! What I mean by that is show everybody that I can do it and I can get good grade and try my best at it with working and yet try to make some time to hang out with friends and family still. I'm going to show everybody I can do it because I know I can! I can't wait to see whats its going to be like sin school was going good for me before so I hope it all works out! So I have to say I can't wait until that day comes for me to go back to school even thou its only a day a way lol sin I go back Tuesday lol..
To top all that crazy stuff off it that seemed crazy! I'm a person that thinks I need to keep a lot of crap and all the things that look cool to me but not no more. This last week and weekend I have been on a mission ( I don't think I spelt that right but oh well lol) to clean and go throw all my crap and see what I want and don't want/need anymore. because I'm getting really sick of looking at all the crap that I have. Then again I guess it doesn't help when I have people giving me crap all the time about how much crap I have. But I have to say this time around no one was telling me to go throw my stuff to see what I want and don't want. Thats the crazy part lol. Little does everybody know I have because a different person I'm sure a lot of people have seen it but then again I'm sure ther is some out there that hasn't seen that yet lol.
So I have to say this weekend has been kinda crazy for me! Then again I have been wanting to meet someone but then again I don't think it would be a good deal if I met her. After Friday I really wanted to met her or go after her and beat the living crap out of her. Like I said I'm not dealing with peoples crap anymore!! Well to start it off its my ex boyfriends girlfriend that I'm talking about. I'm sorry to say the stuff I have heard about her I DON'T like one bit!! Thats all I have to say I guess. But on Friday is when I really wanted to go after her!! Well to find out that she has been getting on his facebook and all that stupid shit and that day I posted something that I wanted to go after someone but I'm sure if I did that someone would get pissed off at me or I would just like to talk to the person. It was something like that, then to find out that he commented on that post then it was gone! then the next thing I Know I'm getting and email asking me what is wrong and who I wanted to go after the funny part on this one was is profile picture was different then what is was before it was a picture of just him and not him and her like it was early. So what do I do go and look at his profile and go and see if hes still with her or not and it said he was! I'm sorry I'm not stupid! So what do I do I sent and email back asking if he was really hime or if it was her that sent it. Then later on I get a text from him telling me that it was her so right there tells you I'm not stupid sorry! Besides if he really wanted to know what was wrong with me and who I wanted to go after I'm sure he would have called me I'm not stupid I'm sorry. Then later on that night when I got home from work I get on facebook and I have an email back from him or should I say her, but wait it wasn't just one email it was three funny right! the first one said why does it matter? I'm just asking then like 5 mins later I get another one telling me and yes this IS him (but it said his name) then the next one said you gonna tell me or what? But I'm sorry I'm not stupid and I know it wasn't him because if he really wanted to talk to me he would have called me and then again if it was him he would have but this IS... sorry only crazy people that don't know how to trust people would do that lol.  So after I seen all that stuff I posted something on facebook saying.. So if this little B**CH wants to stock me on facebook then why not just add me as a friend it might be better then having to get on others peoples profiles to look and see whats going on with me...
Next thing I know or should I say like 5 or 10 mins after I posted that I get a phone call from him, telling me sorry for calling you so late and I said no thats fine I was going to call you but I didn't know if you would be a wake still or not, So he asked me who the post was about and he started reading it to me and I was like its about her why do you ask. Then he tells me that she was freaking out because she thought it was about her and he was trying to tell her that it was about someone else and I was like no its about her sorry to say! Then he tells me that she just pissed because he still talks to me and all that stuff I guess. Next thing I know she was calling him I guess and I was like you better awnser that then so she don't freak out on you somemore. Then he tells me that he was going to call me the next day but that never happend some I'm sure he was with her or something, but its bull SH*T I want to talk to him about all this crap!!  I'm sorry I have some much crap I could tell her right now.. I know she wont like it but I don't care! I'm sorry I'm going to be 20 in april, I'm not going to play these little games that 15 n 16 yr olds play come on grow the FU*K up you are how old.. I think you need to learn how to trust your boyfriend he will be fine he is how old I think he can take care of himself and you are how old, oh wait I think you are younger (I think I spelt that right) then I am... I think or should say you just graduated from high school this last yr. and yeah. I have a lot of crap I could say to her and she would not like it one bit I know that for sure!! I just know if she hurts him in any kind of way or anything I will be going after her... I'm sure she don't know that but he does because I have told him that once before or I should say I asked him if I could Beat the SH*T out of her.. lol
Well I'm sure I could keep going but I have got to get to bed... so post more blogs later if I have more good stuff to talk about lol

posted on Oct 4, 2010 1:18 AM ()

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