Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Happy Moments or W/e I Should Call it ... Lol

Happy Moments or W/e I Should Call it ... Lol

Well I may not have added anything in a while, but here we go, I have to say the first day back to school was ok, I met this guy when I was working on my school work n I was having problems with my computer and he told me why I didn't just as him cuz hes and IT' guy at school, n I told him and how was I sup to know this lol, so later on I was sitting there tryin to do my school work, the next thing you know I had a damn seizure and he knew what was going on so he toke care of my until my sister and the other ppl got there, and I guess I didn't freak out on him or anything and that was a shocker, bc if I don't know the person when I'm coming out of one of those I freak out half of the time, n I guess I didn't I guess I looked at him and the kind of look I gave him I guess it was like how you doin, lol, n ever sin then I would talk to him at school here and there then the a few weeks later he gave me his number because my friend needed her computer worked on, n the time before that he tried to give me is number n I said no n i have no clue why, but I got it and then added him on facebook and ever sin then we have been talking all the time none stop in a way, even thou half of the time we don't say much to each other lol, but when I see him or talk to him it makes me feel really good for some reason ther is something about him that I just love n I have no clue what it is but ther is something ther I can tell or I think I'm not for sure because every time I think ther is something there, there never is, so I'm hoping that things work out between us, n I have to say ever sin I started talk to him all the time I stopped doing the things I have been doing with in the last few months, and I have to say I am really happy for myself because I stopped doing that, when I think about him and I its all good things and I wonder what it is about him that got me to stop playin on the internet all the time and talking to all these ppl that I don't know, but the thing is will things work out between us, thats the only thing I think about all the time, but then again I think it could but I could be wrong he might not want anything to do with me, he could be just palyin me like all the other guys have done, but what makes me think about that is the fact that we hung out one night for a few hours and then a few days later he asked me to go to ND with him during xmas and that it would be for about two weeks or so, and I told him sure why not but I'm gonna have to try and get work off, and then he told me that he thinks I should stay home and work, ya I feel like crap because I couldnt go or that he told me I better stay home and work because if I would have went we could have talked a lot more and have a blast I'm sure, because I have only hung out with him once out side of school and have to say that was a blast so ya, I just hope we can hang out more outside of school, well then to top all that off he was telling me to move to sufu n I told him I would love to but the only thing is I have no place to stay n dont really have the money to move or anything, and then he told me that if he had or got his own place that I could stay with him for a few weeks, and I was like ya right Im sure you would kick me out before those few weeks were up n I get asked why n I said you might get sick of me and then he told me thats why he said I could only stay for a few weeks lol, so it makes me think on what is going on between us, in a way I think its good things but then again I could be wrong, I guess I will just have to wait and see n keep my head held high and think good things n just go from there,

posted on Dec 27, 2010 12:46 AM ()

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