Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Wow!


Well lets just say, I'm happy that I walked out on my ex when I did even though I loved his father and his little brother and the rest of his family but I just couldn't take the crap that I was having to deal with.
Ok well now what the WOW is about.. well ever sin I had walked out on my ex I have been on my tagged wed page thing more often now.. more like everyday lol. I have also been talking to a guy that one of my friends wanted me to meet last yr sometime before my ex and I got back together, but that never happen. well we would talk here and there until my ex last his number but I got his number again from my sis cuz she some how had it lol. so that made my day when I found out that she had it. But this text me a week or so ago and asked me if I was single and what not because we didnt talk that much when I was with my ex.. but now that he knows I'm single again he wants to hang out all the time again and Its like what.. so the last friday he wanted to do something but I couldnt find a way to meet up with him, and then he wants to do something this friday but he told me I have to try and get off work by 6 but I don't know if I can, and I was like what and he told me that his friend wants to meet me and I was like what and was given him crap and told him why does your friend want to meet me when you havent even met me yet and hes like cuz your hott.. and I was thinkin WHAT.. and I just told him ok.. well the one text he sent me he said that he wants to meet me to and what not but it was funny..
but the thing that has been driven me crazy well not that crazy.. I should say.. ok about this whole tagged thing, all these guys want to add me as a friend yeah thats fine with me and what not.. cool cool whatever.. I will get talkin to some of them if they email me and what not and they will tell me that I'm hot, and its like no don't say that.. because I was never told I looked good that often so I don't really like hear ppl say it now but then again when ppl say it now it kinda makes me smile bacause of my ex would always put me down with all the stuff he said to me.. but the one thing that really gets me is all these ppl are given me there numbers and its like what.. and I hardly know them that well, Its like what did I do.. just because I walked out on my ex doesnt mean that every guy can give me there number lol, and the other day when i was at work I got a text from someone and there name was in my phone and its like who in the world is this person cuz i really dont remember who this person is lol, and I dont remember puting this person in my phone lol, if i put someones numer in my phone I remember who it is if not I remember when I did it, and thats kidna scarey lol.. but what can I say it must sound like my phone is my life but it really isn't I don't see how it could be when I'm not on it as much as I use to be.. lol... I just think its crazy on how all these guys are tellin me that I look good or sayin I'm hot or whatever.. and I was always thinkin that I would never be able to fine another man but the way it looks like... theres a few out there... but then again who knows... lol,

posted on Dec 8, 2009 11:29 PM ()

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