Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Why Does She Have to Do This to Me?!?

Why Does She Have to Do This to Me?!?

This all happen yesterday, I was have a good day until this after noon, the reason why I say that is because I was with my sister and she told me that my dad got the car that I wanted and the thing was I wanted to be with for that and I figured that my named would be on that and everything sin we were talking about me getting that car and what not but I guess not, so then I call him and I find out that he really did get that car and what not but what ever and I told him and then I hung up on him because I got pissed, and then he tried to call me back but I didn't answer because I was pissed and then final I picked up and then he was telling me that it wasn't the car that I was look at and that it was a used one, but I guess what can I say about all of this, all I know I want that one car that I was looking at and not a used one... I'm sorry but I don't want a used car.. ya I don't know, all I know I just want to drive and when I can drive I want my name on that car and what not like it should be, just maybe everything should get better and my sister will keep her mouth shut, and leave me alone and go from there and I think that is where all my problems start is my sister,
I'm sure there's more I could add but theres not anything I can think of right now, and just to say I wrote this last night and I just never got a chance to post it..

posted on Jan 13, 2009 3:50 PM ()

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