Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Learn Something New Every Day ... .

Learn Something New Every Day ... .

well today crazy man lol, well he's not so crazy but you know what I mean, that man I still love came and got me so we could go over and get something from my sisters, because he needs to take his cat to the vet.. so we had to get a dog cenal, so we went over there and hung out there for a bit and talked to my sister and what not for a bit and my sister asked him if he was done with the army and he said yeah not unless they find him and I was think what in the hell are you talking about, and then he said that he has 5yrs left or something like that and that hes in the reseves and what not and I was just thinking, I thought he hated the army so much and he wasnt going to sign back up or anything but then againg I don't care that he did because he looks good in his uniform lol but what can I say all guys look good in army uniform lol and I only wish I could be in the army for some reason lol but I can, so thats what I found out today ya and so that got me thinking oh yeah thats probly why he has all of his stuff them because I'm sure he would have to hang in most of the stuff back to the army and what not but I guess I could be wrong, who knows and just to say that kinda makes me happy that he's still in the army for some reason I have no clue why but then again if he would have to go back over seas that would kill me if we ever got back together but I dont see that happening any time soon if not never lol but I could be wrong about that to, who knows I can't read minds and I only wish I could that would only help out a little if you know what I mean and Im sure every girl would like that if they could read minds I know I would lol, well then I though maybe we were going to hang out tonight for a little bit but I guess not because after we left my sisters he brought me straight home and that kinda pissed me off because I wanted to hang out with him but all he tells me is that hes sick of me but how could he be sick of me but whatever, I'm starting to think maybe I should stop caring and move on but I cant because I love him way to much and I'm sure he is just messing around with me like he does any other time but then again I could be wrong and I am wrong half of the time and it kills me a lot and when that happens I just dont know what to do with my life any more,

posted on Feb 18, 2009 6:12 PM ()

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