Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > I'm One Happy Person!

I'm One Happy Person!

he's home and has been home for a few days now, so now I'm one happy person and will be for a long time until I have no reason not to be happy, or until someone pisses me off, well I found out on Friday or Saturday that he was home I can't remember but all I know that he was home for a few days with out telling me and that was mean lol, but oh well I can live well sunday I got to hang out with him that night because he hung out with some other friends that day so when he got back from hanging out with them he picked me up and toke me over to his place, and we hung out over there and watched moives and what not, and then I ended up staying the night over there because he didn't want to bring me home that night because it got to be late when the movie got over and when I asked him if he was going to take me home he said I could walk and I said no that was not going to happen and I told him that it was fine if I stayed if he didn't care, so I ended up staying there. and at 7:30 my mom called me and asked me where I was at and I told her and she told me that I should be getting ready to come home so I could get ready for my dr. appointment, and he just toke me home the next morning sin my sister had to take me to a dr. appointment and after that I called my mom and told her that I would of came home that night but she knew that I wouldnt be home before he came and got me and I didnt know what to do but laugh, cuz it was funny, well then tues after school my two of my friend came and picked my up and then I hung out with them for a bit and then around 4:30 5 or so we went over to his place and we hung out there for a bit and then we watched a movie a then sat there for a bit longer and then they left I ended up staying the night again that night even though he didnt want me to because he didnt want to get up and take me to school but then again he didnt care I dont think, because when I asked him when I could stay he told me that I had to ask my mom and I told him that she already thinks I'm staying the night again, but I asked her any ways and she said that was fine so I stayed the night and I did my school work and what not and that sucked because I had to read a few chapters and what not and I got the one done and the other one was short and I was going to finish it in school but he was fliping out on me to finish it so I had to finish it but then again i never did lol, I'm sure I could add more but I have got to get to bed because I have school in the morning and what not, but all I know I love him and I'm so happy that he is back and all I can wait for and hope for is that we get back together...

posted on Feb 10, 2009 11:36 PM ()

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