Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Graduation


The day that I have only been waiting for & it seemed like ever but my senior year final came & it was living hell but then again a lot of good things had happen within that year but then again it still sucked but what else can I say, well let's see the semester I wanted to drop out of school because of my health and I wasn't doing so good so I wouldn't go to school or nothing because that's how bad I was doing & never really wanted to go to school anymore because my seizures were getting worse & nobody was doing anything to help me get better, so finely we got all that taken care of & went up to a different dr. We were up there for a week until I had a seizure so they knew what kind of meds to give me but ever sin then I have been a new person, ok whatever on that now well then there was prom I wanted to take pictures with my mom before I had to be there but do u think that happened no come on she didn't even want to come home n see me in my dress before she went out & to top all that off she showed up at grand march two minutes before my prom date & I walked though & that kind of upsets me then maybe though she would have stayed so I could get a picture with her like she said I could she maybe stayed for a little bit to talk to me & to get some pictures of me then she left I was so upset because I really wanted a picture taken with my mom at my senior prom,ok the thing that gets me n hurts a lot & when I look at it I just want to say it FU** SAD!!! & it upsets me more then anything, well let's see when I wanted to get ready for graduation a try a plan for my party I had to go to my sisters because my mom was in her own world & that's not right when your last child is graduating & it hurt when I had to go to my sisters all the time for just figure out when we could try & finish getting all the stuff & how we were gonna do it cause at this time I was working every night & it sucked because graduation was comming fast, but I think my sister & I told my grandma about how mom hasn't been helping at all & not even a week after we told my grandma my mom was all concerned & wanted to help all of a sudden so I though maybe my grandma yelled at her but who knows, so the day was finely here may 16,2009 & it was NOT!!! How I though it would all be, I wanted to get lots of pictures taken but that didn't even happen I wanted some taken with my sisters but that didn't happen I at lest got some taken with my mom & dad but still it would have meant a lot to me if us three girls toke one together & then one with my mom & dad but what can I say it didn't happen & I'm sure there was a few other classmates that I would have taken pictures with but then again who knows when I only talked to two or three the whole year if I was lucky, but I was happy that I got to take a picture with my boyfriend but he had to be a dork & not smile but oh well at least I got a picture with him & it also meant a lot to me that he showed up but the only thing was that he couldn't stay for the party because he had to get back to work so I have to say I was lucky he even made it for the ceremony just as long as he made it to one of them made me happy because he knew how much it meant to if he was there or not, & now about the party it was ok at the start I was happy that mamma bear made it sin I haven't seen her for like ever & some of my family members showed up that I haven't seen in a long time as well so it was good to see them, I would have to say the one thing that did kinda bumbed me out is that a lot of the people that I wanted to show up didn't so that sucked but I kinda got over it, then to top all that off the guy that works for my dad was text me & telling me why he didn't come to the party n that he didn't care that my boyfriend showed up to the ceramony but yeah ok when he is obsessed with me & he tryed to tell me that he cares more then anyone else does about me & its like how about not, I didn't send him anything back but for the rest of my party I was pissy & wanted the hell out of there & go over to my boyfriends so when the party was over & we got it all cleaned up & got food ready to take over to my boyfriends & all that good stuff, then I went over there & later that night I showed him that text that I got from the guy that works for my dad & he was pissed & I told him how he won't leave me alone so he sent him a text sayin this is stefs boyfriend and to leave me alone & after that he didn't send another text to me for a long time and I was so happy, but all I can say I'm really happy now that I'm done with high school & in a way I wish that year would have went a lot better for me not only because it was my last year but just because you are sup to remember your last year of high school as the best year ever as of what a what some people say but yeah ok whatever you waht to say, I think my best time will be at college who knows I will know when I get there, well, I'm sure I could have more to say about that day but who knows all I know I would have really liked it if it was a little be better then what it really was but there is not much that I can do or help that, well talk laterz

posted on June 6, 2009 7:43 AM ()

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