Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > I Never Though it Would Turn Out as I Planed It

I Never Though it Would Turn Out as I Planed It

life being out of high school is great I would have to say, as of right now I should say who knows what will come a long as far as I know is work & going to college but as of that who know, well any ways a few days after graduation I moved in with my boyfriend & have been living with him ever sin & I just love staying there, because now I don't have to go between my mom and dads all the time and feel like the one feels left out because I'm not staying with them when I'm with the other one, I would have to say ever sin I have moved in with him I have felt a lot better about everything & seems like I'm happier all the time to I don't know what it is or if its the fact of getting to be around the him everyday, and that it just feels like home there more then again then stayin with my dad or my mom but then again who knows, to say are plans are turning out the way that we have always said they would, & I just don't know what to say about that, because I was thinking about that the other night when I was reading all my old blogs that I have wrote in the pass months & then I got to thinking about whats going on today and what him & I would always talk about when we were first going out & it just came to me, that everything is working out the way we had planed for it to, the thing that we had always said when he was still in the army before he broke up with me & we would just say after graduation that i would move in with him & we would start family someday & all that good stuff, all I can say who knows when that will be because I want to go to college & finish before I have any kids but if I don't get to finish college before I have a kid that is fine whatever happens it happens thats all I can say, any ways I'm happy that we are back together better yet that we are living together, but the only thing my dad don't like it that I'm back with him because he broke up with me & who knows why he also doesn't like the fact that I'm living with him & all that other stuff but my dad needs to realize that I'm going to do what I want and live where I want to live come on I'm 18yrs old & don't have to listen to my parents anymore so what does matter to him on what in the world I'm doing now, & sin I moved in with my boyfriend my dad said he can start to pay for my phone & my internet if I'm gonna stay there & live there with him & its like ok whatever, then my dad was telling me thats what he did to my one sister once she moved in with her boyfriend she made her put her phone on his plan, & its like yeah whatever I don't really care because I would rather have my phone on my boyfriends plan now sin I'm living with him and then I can help him pay for my phone bill & then I can have my dad stop talking to me about it everytime he calls me, because that gets old listing to the samething over and over everytime, other then that my mom doesn't care that I'm living there because the one night she came over there to give me something & I was sitting at the bar with his dad while my boyfriend was working that day because we went up there to see how things were going because he was getting things ready for the band that they were going to have that weekend, so when my mom got to town she just came to the bar, & talked with us about everything & all that good stuff & wanted to see how everything was going sin she hasn't seen me sin I moved in over there (but now it will be different & she will get to see me more sin I got my job back) so she was talking to his dad about everything & who knows what else I know he told her that he loves having me around all the time & telling her that I know more about the pool set up then my boyfriend does because hes always working so he wasn't home that week when we were tryin to get things together for the pool, & my mom just laughed about it & I would have to say that is kinda funny that I know more about the pool set up that we have going on because he always calls me stupid just messing around with me but still I got to make him feel stupid some times to you know lol so I got him on that one lol & when my boyfriend was done working he came & sat with us to & started talking with them to but not that much I'm sure because he was tired but who knows, & just so you know my mom & his dad have known each other for ever so that makes me feel good for some reason I don't know why but it does & the one thing that I think is funny is that my mom knew my boyfriend ever sin he was a baby haha now my sisters on the other hand I don't know about the oldest one & what she thinks about the whole thing, then my other one she doesn't care she kinda likes it I guess or just as long as I'm happy, I don't think I have anything else to talk about as of right now all I can say It's turning out as we planed it to & that we are happy other then that there not much to says as of right now, so talk more laterz if anything else good comes up to talk about lol

posted on June 11, 2009 3:07 PM ()

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