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Life & Events > Inventions Made During My Life #1

Inventions Made During My Life #1

I was born ( as I was told - on a farm near McGregor, Texas) on December the 22, 1922 - a month early. My father was the principal of the small school near his parents" home, where he was born on October 21, 1896.

My parents and I moved to a college town by about 1924 and my father taught in the high school there. He and my mother both attended the college and met there when she was 16 years old. I have only one memory from those years - and confirmed it with both parents before I lost them. There was a bridge across the river going from Thorps Springs, TExas to the "larger" town of Weatherford. An old fisherman lived under the bridge in a shack and sold fish to us. He ate on tin plates and I remember being very impressed by them. Guess I thought they were silver.

We moved before October 1926 to Cleburne, Texas and my father did about anything to feed his family. He then got a very good job with the Sants Fe RR.

One day, as I was riding my tricycle, the first dirgerible went over (this was Captained by a man named Charles Rosendahl( I remember believing that the world must be coming to an end. Guess I saw my first Space ship. Later we lived across the street from his mother and knew her quite well. About 1932, he flew his blimp to our small town and talked with her via a loud speaker. The first airplanes that were plentiful were in this era also.

We had all the comforts of life in those days - light, gas, a wringer washer but, hung the clothes outside, inside plumbing and a radio. I remember my first radio also. My grandfather had it at his farm. There were not many stations in thos days.

Will continue later, hope I don't bore you.

posted on Aug 28, 2010 8:40 AM ()


The airship that stopped over your neighbors home was the USS Akron in may of 1932 with Charles Rosendahl in command. It is one of the largest aircraft to have ever flown and was about the size of the Hindenburg. I live near Cleburne and have had some difficulty finding information. I believe this occurred in the evening or at night when he spoke to his mother on the mega phone. Anything you can remember I would be extremly greatful . Thank you for sharing!
comment by stills285 on Oct 3, 2010 9:00 AM ()
Actually, he came by to speak to his mother more than once. The first time was in the evening. My family was at church. The next time, we were home (across the street) and you could hear the conversation. His Mother was a sweet little ole lady and we loved her very much. Can't remember too much about that time, but I know how excited we all were.
reply by nenah on Oct 4, 2010 7:00 AM ()
More Nenah. It is interesting.
comment by elderjane on Aug 29, 2010 12:14 PM ()
Very interesting, Nenah, and I hope you tell us more. When I look at the advertisements for the new mobile phones that show our favorite TV shows on the phone, and all the Internet apps a person could want, I think back to the days when we were told that someday in the future we would have video telephones and it seemed far-fetched. When I was a kid we had crank telephones and central operators in my small Colorado town.
comment by troutbend on Aug 28, 2010 5:55 PM ()
My mother finally got rid of her wringer washer in 1965. I was only allowed to use it once. She was afraid I'd get my fingers trapped in the wringer. It was probably a good call.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 28, 2010 4:30 PM ()
AWESOME! I remember my Mother having a wringer washer and then when I lived in Greece (1964-1966) lo and behold, I had a wringer washer. How many times did you pinch your fingers in the rollers?
comment by gapeach on Aug 28, 2010 12:55 PM ()
Oh I love it! I had to google dirgerible though, no idea what that was! How very cool yet strange it must have been for you to see something flying for the first time! I love this idea and I hope you continue!!! Tell us all about it!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 28, 2010 9:52 AM ()
That was fascinating. Can't wait to hear more about your early life, Nenah.
comment by redimpala on Aug 28, 2010 8:46 AM ()

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