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Health & Fitness > Monday Morning Blues

Monday Morning Blues

Shouldn't complain - as my son says there is always someone worse off than you - poorer - sicker, etc. But I have injured the hip to my "good" leg. Now that I can only use one, it is taking too much of the load.

For those of you, who don't know, I fractured my right knee and am in "body" armour from my right foot up to my hip. It is very awkward and I can only hop on the left foot. Will be in this for 5 to 7 weeks. So that means I will staying home until at least the new year. Drats!!!!

Have I told you that I will be having 3 new great- grands in 2011. Know one will be a boy and one a girl. I can hardly wait. The little girl will live rather close to me - so maybe I can spoil her.

Today is rather chilly for Houston . Was 36 early this a.m. Don't know what has happened to my "Thermostat", but I am not feeling the cold. I am so warm most of the time, have been wearing shortie gowns and not much else. Had to dress today because I am expecting my new walker. Rah!! I promised the nurse that I would try to use it instead of the wheel chair, but don't think I can until the hip gets well.

The sweet lady, who cleaned for me until she had to have keemo last year is back and I am so glad. Now, I will have clean blinds. My other helper never dusted them.\

Hope all of you stay well and have a happy holiday season. I am going too. Love you,

posted on Dec 6, 2010 7:25 AM ()


Hope you're doing better!
comment by zillahkatt on Jan 10, 2011 2:16 PM ()
Nenah, when and how did you fracture your knee? I can't imagine how uncomfortable and bulky it is to have a cast from your foot to your hip. Several years ago I fell off my kitchen counter (I climb all the time 'cause I'm so short) and broke my wrist. The arm cast was a pain to deal with but nothing like what you are experiencing. Take advantage of it while you can and let everyone wait on you...please get me this, please get me that. You know, use it to your advantage. Seriously, get well soon. Congratulations on the great grands!
comment by gapeach on Dec 6, 2010 6:44 PM ()
Sorry to hear that you hurt yourself... Poor dear! I am sure you'll be back up and running in no time. Congrats on the grandkids! Exciting times indeed! Rest up.
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 6, 2010 1:41 PM ()
Well, congratulations on the new great grandbabies.

My parents are big fans of the old adage, "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet" but I've always thought being shoeless warranted a little sympathy.Here's to speedy healing, a cleaner home and some happy cheer.
comment by juliansmom on Dec 6, 2010 10:51 AM ()
Sorry,did not hear about this.Take it easy and what the rush.
They still having babies.
comment by fredo on Dec 6, 2010 9:56 AM ()
So sorry Nenah, did not realize that you had hurt yourself Take your time in all you do. I have got one more grandchild due next year - we don't know if it is a boy or girl - doesn't matter, as it has been like a 'miracle' for it to have happened (they had given up on conceiving)
comment by febreze on Dec 6, 2010 8:37 AM ()

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