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Education > Parent Involvement > My Space Mom Charged in Teen Sucide! Yay! Woot!

My Space Mom Charged in Teen Sucide! Yay! Woot!

I wrote and article some
time ago about my space and as most of you know I have very strong feelings
bout my space and unsupervised children on the internet.  Strangely I have taken up the torch about
children, children being anyone under 18 years old, and internet usage because
of a handful of boys and girls who have been hurt by predators on the internet.  I  feel
any adult needs to be responsible when dealing with kids on the internet and not
treat them as if they are adults no matter what their behavior because they are
not adults even if they have a keyboard.  Strangely it is the adult industry that has taken up this flame and mine
is just one in a small number of men and women who fight this daily.


You see I put absolutely NO
BLAME on my space and sites like it because it is not their job to police and
protect the worlds children , it is the parents job to do that and there was landmark
decision about a year back where a mother who let her teen use the internet
unsupervised who was then  assaulted by
an adult.  So mummy dearest then tries to
sue my space for, I think it was thirty million.  The judge threw the case out!  I believe his name was Sam Sparks.  Way to go! Why should this woman be rewarded
for neglecting her child?


So this leads me to my blogster article Evil Adults
Evil Parents: Myspace Suicide
, and
this was a different kind of predator.  This
was a mother who pretended to be a boy to harass girl her daughter did not like
and as a result the 13 year old girl hung herself.  It was very well thought out, deceitful and
in my opinion evil and at the time there was much talk on my blog on blogster
about how nothing could be done.  Basically bad things happen.  I
could not agree with that then and thanks to the public outcry mostly on the internet
this woman has been indicted! She was charged with one count of conspiracy and
three counts of accessing protected computers without authorization to get
formation used to inflict emotional distress on the girl
.  It is not
often people praise our justice system because they can only see the bad things
that are happening and ignore the good.  I
have to say today is a grand day for me.  I am happy with this decision and glad the FBI took over! 

These are perfect examples of why the justice system
is a wonderful thing and why kids need to be supervised and policed by their
parents on the internet.


Read more about he nutcase
mom and her indictment

posted on May 16, 2008 7:13 AM ()


Add another vote of agreement for what you've said here. You wouldn't drop your young kid off on a street corner in the middle of NYC alone; and going on the internet is like stepping into the busy world. The internet was not created for children, nor should it be required to be child-safe. But that nutty woman who posed as a young girl -- if she's been writing letters instead of using the internet, clearly she'd be charged with using the mail to harass or threaten a minor.
comment by drmaus on May 20, 2008 8:52 AM ()
I remember when you blogged about this before. It is so sad!!Our son got a myspace when he was in high school and about 16 years old but, we monitored his site and what was said ect. You have to I mean they are just kids. Very good post Holly!! Kudos to you!! I do understand why you advocate adult blogs.
comment by texastar on May 16, 2008 2:10 PM ()
A bully is a bully no matter what their age is. I hope they throw the book at the bi+ch.
comment by nittineedles on May 16, 2008 1:56 PM ()
I agree with you Holly on the fact that I think there should be separate blog sites, one for adults and one for kids. I do wonder...did this young girl tell her mom she was being harassed? Did the parents not notice anything out of the ordinary? And the woman who was doing the harassing...how cruel...what kinda person would do that to another person...let alone a kid...very sad. Something she will have to live with for the rest of her life.
comment by elfie33 on May 16, 2008 12:14 PM ()
I thought I had read where the mom was initially doing this to find out what the girl was saying about her daughter. this woman needs to grow up and I am glad she got indicted! I hope she can't sleep, thinking how she caused this young girl to take her own life.
comment by elkhound on May 16, 2008 10:38 AM ()
This woman knew exactly what she was doing, and she killed that kid just as surely as if she put a gun to the child's head and pulled the trigger.
Also, I totally agree with you that parents should stop looking for others to blame about things like this and start being parents! The decision to become a parent comes with awesome responsibilities. If you are not willing to take those on, don't become a parent. It is not up the schools, or society or the daycare center to raise your children; it's up to you!
comment by hayduke on May 16, 2008 9:24 AM ()
I am in total agreement with you about the parents doing their job. As a mom and a teacher I know both sides of what these kids do. I hear them talk. I also know that that myspace is not the police! I used to watch my younger son's history every time he got on the net to make sure he didn't get into anything. If he did, he was grounded from computer for a month at a time and then only let back if he was working on something that we had to see. I think many parents try to blame the net when they need to be better parents. Sometimes you have to be tough!
comment by teacherwoman on May 16, 2008 8:23 AM ()
Bullying is bullying no matter where it's done. It is worse when a parent of another girl does it. To quote Apu from the Simpsons: "I want to see the b!tch hang."
comment by draco on May 16, 2008 8:01 AM ()
I was just reading about this. I at first thought it was silly she was being charged. She didn't hang the girl herself. But then I thought about it more and I guess bullying would apply since she allegedly harassed her online... I dunno... cases like this where someone reacts a certain way to something someone else did kinda make me mad. Personal responsibility anyone? Not lately...
Although the fact that it was an adult messing with a 13 year old is pretty twisted. That women prolly has issues upstairs.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 16, 2008 7:26 AM ()

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