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Life & Events > Relationships > Is it Slavery or Submission What is Your Desire?

Is it Slavery or Submission What is Your Desire?

What a naturally submissive person had to do to take the step from submissiveness to full on slavery?

I was asked to answer this question in the form of an essay by Johnny and because I am a slave it took me a while just to understand the question.

The easiest place to begin would be is with what a submissive person is, well a submissive woman as I really cannot comment on what a submissive man is. A submissive person is one who chooses to acquiesce to another’s will to please them and through their satisfaction finds pleasure. You could relate this to people who get much pleasure by giving to charity. They give of their money or time and when speaking of giving money do not ascribe less value to that because they did work for that money which means they gave a percentage of their time as well. Some are philanthropists and spend all of their time giving. Mind you I see a nun as much a philanthropist as the guy throwing thousands of dollars around.

So like a philanthropist who derives joy from giving to others so does a submissive.

Notice I left out the sex part the reason for this is because not all submissive women are involved in “deviant” sexual play some are satisfied with serving in a capacity much like a hand maiden or domestic labor. This makes them no less the submissive than the one who takes the lashes for the pure joy of taking it for the sadist.

The submissive then is one who enjoys giving to her dominant in what ever capacity they choose and agree too. This is the major difference between a submissive and a slave. They choose each and every time to participate in what ever act they are involved in be it cleaning a floor or taking a flogging. They can stop at any time with little or no emotional distress or distress to their livelihood or well being.

Mind you by saying “no” they most often are ashamed of themselves and are punished for it even dismissed but they still can say it each and every time.

A slave on the other hand has made the choice only once , usually after a period of serving a dominate male as a submissive much like courtship in a traditional relationship, but once the choice is made there is no longer the option to say no, turn back, or start over without much fall-out if in fact that particular submissive can function with out her dominant.

Making the choice is very difficult and takes much time and consideration to come to. To decide to be a “slave” is as big, if not a bigger deal than choosing a marriage partner and oftentimes is part of the bargain. This term is coveted my many, to have a slave and is often confused with a “collared” slave one who wears the collar of a particular master. You can be devoted to a “Master” and wear his collar with out being his “slave”. A collar is merely a sign of devotion that is recognized in the BDSM community and should be honored by all “Masters”.

There I go again getting off target. When I decided to become a slave I had to take into consideration our inherit values like say “thou shall not kill?” or “thou shall not commit adultery” I had to compare all of my values to his and see if they were compatible. As in the two examples we both believe in not killing(another human if possible) but the reasons why we believe that is wrong are different I believe in the right to life he does not want to go to jail. Neither of us believe adultery is “wrong” now I believe it is wrong for some people because like polygamy some can handle it, some cannot, it really depends on what you are built for. I personally believe in polygyny (one man having more than one wife) not polyandry (one woman having more than one husband) he believes in both except for me, with me it is only for him.

So when coming to this I had to explore everything about me and him and see if they could coexist and they could but often times are values were the same but for very different reasons.

Then you have to be willing to give up all things he does not like not for just the time you are with him but forever and you will have to learn to accept things that you may otherwise argue, dislike or even hate. You have to accept that the will you bend to is not your own anymore. You must excel for perfection in his eyes not your own. Out the window goes all of your preconceived notions of self because self is now what he wishes it to be.

You tend to lose yourself mentally because you have given up pleasing yourself and learned to take pleasure only in pleasing another. Some would argue that this is weakness but weakness relies on self for preservation and weak people tend to cling to what they see as strength then try to manipulate that person into their image what strong is where as the slave gives her trust and must be show great strength when she chooses to relinquish more control.

It is a coveted gift to give to another but that decision must be one that weighs heavily on you for some time because of the very real possibility of your gift being misused and unappreciated.

You see a true slave is highly coveted by many who practice BDSM but this coveted person is also much work for any dominant male to have because it requires much care and responsibility. Most want what they do not actually possess the skill to have.

posted on July 5, 2008 3:24 PM ()


Wow! You sure have thought this whole thing out! I'm pretty impressed.
You are one person who just seems to be so comfortable in her own skin, and you make no apologies for anything. Good for you Holly!
Thanks for the education too.
comment by hayduke on July 9, 2008 11:57 AM ()
Since Johnny asked you to do this...does this mean your back in Atlanta and together?
comment by elfie33 on July 8, 2008 10:36 PM ()
You both think to much!
comment by lynnie on July 6, 2008 11:32 AM ()
Apologies in advance. The following scene ran through my mind after reading this.

(Sixty or so years from now, when J and H are old and living quietly together in their house, still in their traditional roles of master and slave; J is missing a few marbles these days, forgetful. Both sit on the couch, watching a TV show.)

Johnny: Get your little ass up off this couch and get me a cold beer. Now.

Hollyw: Yes, of course. (Doesn't move.)

Johnny: You hear me? Beer! Now!

Hollyw: Yes, darling. (Stays where she's sitting.)

Johnny: (After five minutes, looking confused)Hey? Where's that beer, anyway?

Hollyw: The dog knocked it over. I brought you another.

Johnny: (Looking this way, that) Where? You damn #####, you put it where I can't even reach it...

Hollyw: I am sorry, my master. I will put it by your hand. (Doesn't move from the couch, but turns up the volume on the TV.)

Johnny: So do it! You're the worst slave I ever saw!

Hollyw: Was it good? Would you like another, darling? Would you like some quesadillas to go with it?

Johnny: I'm still thirsty for some reason. Get me some water.

Hollyw: The plumber is still working on the pipes, but I will melt some ice cubes for you and put it in a glass. I live to serve you.

Johnny: Damn plumbers charge too much.

Hollyw: Indeed they do, so I kicked him out the door for you. I love and obey you. I try to anticipate your every need.

Johnny: I didn't even hear him leave.

Hollyw: Let a plumber's noise bother my master? Never! I made him tiptoe out. (Drinks iced tea, leisurely, as she changes channels.)

Johhny: I'm tired. Gonna go to bed. Clean up down here then come up and rub my back.

Hollyw: At once, darling. All that beer may have made you sleepy. Sleeeepy, Sleeepy. So Sleee--
(Follows him up the stairs, cooing hypnotically.)
comment by drmaus on July 5, 2008 8:04 PM ()
Then both of you are 24/7 I assume. I am pretty sure you are, but I have not always been sure?
comment by ducky on July 5, 2008 5:51 PM ()
I could not be a slave,though I do feel like one at times.Excellent post,I might add.I'd rather do the flogging than the other way around.I guess it gives me the feeling of power.
comment by dogsalot on July 5, 2008 4:41 PM ()
what is the difference between BDSM and SM or MM.'
Oh!what do I know.
comment by fredo on July 5, 2008 3:58 PM ()
Very good.
comment by jtruant on July 5, 2008 3:44 PM ()

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