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Hollywould Insider

Parenting & Family > Child Rape is Worse Than ... ... ... ... ... ... .

Child Rape is Worse Than ... ... ... ... ... ... .

I would like to know why everyone is so up in arms because of the decision that child rapists should not get the death penalty?

I want to know why they should? In fact I want to know why a crime against a child warrants more punishment than the same crime against a 18 year old woman?

I have always wondered that. They are both no more or no less people and if some one argues"well they have their whole life ahead of them" well so does they 18 year old.

So then for a ten year old who is raped, all it takes for it to be called rape is penetration, in this defined way, only penetrated but an 18 year old is beaten, bones broken, requires surgery and is disfigured her rapist should be punished less?

I am not making light of what happened to the child but putting light on what happened to the adult.

posted on July 1, 2008 8:09 PM ()


The reason why I was so upset is being able to pass one law against rapists, opens the door to more laws. If child rapists can be givin the death penalty it shows that people are considering how punishment should be givin to those sick types of people. Once that is in place it's a short step to all rapists, not just child rapists. And using a child as an image seems to strike a chord more often than a grown women with the misogonistic asses that make these desicions. All this would have been holly is a foot in the door. And sadly, and the reason why I am pissed is now the toes on that foot are broken, and there is no hope for children or adults that suffer at the hands of rapists. We all have an adgenda on why this upsets us, why are you focused on adult women, instead of all adults?-not attacking, just curious?
comment by ducky on July 4, 2008 6:00 AM ()
Good point
comment by strider333 on July 4, 2008 12:12 AM ()
I agree with you, Holly. I don't mean to diminish the dispicable nature of the crime, but it is JUST as dispicable to rape a full-grown woman as it is to rape a child!
Remember those old, yellow signs that soccer moms used to put up in the rear windows of their Caravans that said, "Baby On Board"? My response to that was always, "So what?" Are people really going drive more carefully around this car because a baby is inside? Why is a youngster's life more important than any other person's life?
comment by hayduke on July 2, 2008 9:37 AM ()
huh - great points holly... I would have to agree with you!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 2, 2008 7:13 AM ()
I can agree with you all. I am against the death penalty in general btw.
comment by itsjustme on July 2, 2008 3:29 AM ()
I agree with what Eky (James) said above here. There was a woman here in the metroplex in her 80's I believe. Anyway an elderly woman that was beaten with a hammer by a robber and sexually assaulted. She passed away after a few days in the hospital. Just so very sad!!
comment by texastar on July 2, 2008 12:58 AM ()
Rape is rape, murder is murder, and torture is torture (had to throw that in...LOL) and yes it should be punished to the fullest extent whoever commits it. Sadly I think some feel the older the individual, the more likely a "consent" existed. Of course, that is not the case.
comment by ekyprogressive on July 1, 2008 10:39 PM ()

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