Oh goodness! I am gonna get ripped no matter what I write here but I am still gonna state my opinion because you guys all think I have balls!
Man o’ man.
I am gonna get burned at the stake on mybloggers for my opinion here and have to run back to blogster where I am hated.
What’s a girl to do but jump right in.
Okay Vlad’s blog in response to Outkast’s blog.
First and foremost I want to say that what is “MORALLY†right or wrong concerning sexuality should NOT be taught in school. Sexuality should be taught in the most basic form in school.
If you are a Fill in religion or moral standing you have the right to teach your child that sex before marriage is wrong, blow jobs are wrong, using birth control is right or wrong, being homosexual is right or wrong, being a cross dresser is right or wrong and anal sex is right or wrong.
These are things that should be taught at home other than what they are and the dangers that come with them. For example:
Birth control is not okay because we do not believe in sex before marriage there for there is no need for birth control.
Birth control is okay if it is a condom but not anything else because devices such as the IUD while making the uterus a hostile environment for sperm is how it first and foremost works it can in the event of pregnancy cause the fertilized egg the inability to implant which we consider the same as abortion and we do not believe in that.
Anal sex is dangerous. Each time you do it your stretch your muscles and can cause them to not return to their normal tone. This is unhealthy. Do not do it.
Bow jobs degrade women.
For what ever reason a parent chooses to teach their child something I believe that should be respected by the schools.
I read the article that Outkast linked to where it said, “"First, [California] law allowed public schools to voluntarily promote homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality. Then, the law required public schools to accept homosexual, bisexual and transsexual teachers as role models for impressionable children.â€
That is unacceptable no school should promote homosexuality. Period. I totally disagree. It is fine to educate to attempt to curb harassment of these boys and girls but I do into feel it should ever be promoted. This is not a choice one gets to make it is the way you are born and should not be presented as a sexuality choice. I do not personally care if my child’s teacher were gay or a lesbian but I do not want her or him wearing a queer nations shirt and if it happens to be a man a dress would be equally inappropriate.
If my son were to go to school and have a gay teacher as his role model that is fine but my son should never know who he is fucking in his bedroom, boy or girl. That is not something a child needs to know about a teacher. There fore he should NEVER know he was gay or straight for that matter.
School is not the place for social morality lessons it is for academics.
Hollywould, why are you happy for women to wear trousers, but affronted if men wear dresses? isn't that sexist? As for men wearing dresses, 90% of all cross dressers [transvestites] are heterosexuals. It is very unusual for gay men to indulge in that sort of behaviour. Just as 90% or thereabouts of gay men do not like or enjoy watching drag queens. Most gays are indistinguishable from hets, unless they choose not to be.
I do agree that a teacher's private life is not a suitable topic for the classroom.