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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Eddie , Can I Do it like a Big Girl?????

Eddie , Can I Do it like a Big Girl?????

Dear Eddie,

First I want to say that while I am writing this to you it
also, in my humble opinion, should be or could be a public concern as
well. In fact, I was talking in chat
last night with a man who agrees with me and is not in an “alternative lifestyle”
or the “Adult” business.

You see in all my blogs I do my very best to keep my writing
at a Pg-13 level because it is my understanding that you must be at least 14 to
join and most of the kids who join are here do so with their parents blogging
beside them. If that were true of these
girls they would not be doing anything in the images below. Let me tell you I am quite positive there is no parental permission here.

So much more to be seen HERE

Most everyone knows, from those I love to those I hate that I
will not delete comments and do everything I can to ensure another’s free
speech even if they want to act like morons. I will even engage adults on the terms these young ladies have engaged
me and on their level but you see the key word here is “adults” these are not
adults these are children with, quite obviously, not enough parental control
and I cannot in clean conscience, morally or legally engage them on their level
or my own beyond what I have.

Much as I would like to answer their questions I cannot
because they are kids and it is not my place to give them a lesson on any type
of life choices. Had they accidentally
stumbled on my blog , read it made comments that were not ugly and full of foul
language and insults I would have let this go and just not commented to them as
Johnny and I had to do with a young lady on blogster when we first joined. The problem is I do not see this ending as it
has become a game for them as you can see in the image from their chat below.

I think you have to click it to get it actual size

Due to their bad behavior(you will notice I did not use that
type of language with them at all and had it been an adult you know I would
have) I would first like to request that their comments be removed from both
mine and JTruants blogs and at the very least for them to be told to refrain
from commenting on our blogs at all which leads me to a bigger question, can
you make an ignore user feature?

While I would NEVER use this to ban an adult from saying
anything they want to me I would ban any child who commented in anyway to my
blog or, hell even if they visited. I
think an ignore user feature might be useful to many for various reasons.

This is NOT to say that I feel that I or JT is at fault in
any way because as I said before I keep my blogs PG13, my dirty blogs are first
not on this site, not only protected by a warning page but I have begun making
all the dirty ones password protected. When I do “skate the line” I do so in ways that are no different than
anyone else here sharing their dirty jokes, their intimacies, relationship
problems, religious quandaries or beliefs, moral obstacles, political views,
convictions and questions or anything else under the sun. I do not want some
kid to come here and read about Susan making the choice to get an abortion, why
Christianity is fake, What dirty things Heather did with her husband last night
or why the democrats are socialists. These are not questions that should be answered by a blog to an
unsupervised child who has a mouth worse than mine when I am on a call. These
are things that need to be taught by the parents or in other managed settings
and certainly not by me.

Perhaps I am wrong but It is my understanding that there is
a teen section for a reason and that the majority of bloggers here are adults
and write to an adult audience, and let me be very clear here on what I mean by
adult, I do not mean adult as in Sex I mean adult as in over 18 where we can
comfortably discuss issues and topics that concern adults with out worrying
about some kid saying “PENIS” after we have just poured our heart out about
someone stealing our great grandmothers secret recipe that would have made us
million had we just signed that contract a day before.

So the bottom line, I am requesting that these children be
asked to behave in a decent manner when responding to blogs that belong to
adults who CANNOT for a multitude of reasons respond to them in kind. Were they adults you can bet your sweet ass I
have plenty to say, in fact already have on blogster, but they are not and I
can say nothing to defend or explain myself.

So could you do this for me? Seriously think about that ignore user button, I think it would be a
great addition to mybloggers.

You can find all of their names on Johnnys blog, Johnny are you Queer.

I have a couple more ideas that I wanted to ask you about
but the past couple days I have not only been very busy but loath to blog until
I take care of this issue.



posted on May 1, 2008 9:22 PM ()


Just to set the record 'straight'--I love Holly and I hope she loves me--she commented on my comment to the 'kids' since--and I have been asking this for 2 years--we can not comment directly to someone who comments on our comments.
It is amazing to me that Matt at 18 can be so much mature than these kids who say they are 17--I guess the theory that young girls (not yet women) are more mature than young men isn't true in all cases.
comment by greatmartin on May 7, 2008 6:44 PM ()
I do wish there was an ignore or privacy or block feature... that would be fabulous!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 4, 2008 4:22 PM ()
"say way" = same way. Sorry for the error
comment by emptyinside on May 3, 2008 9:23 AM ()
If you know they're too young to speak to about your lifestyle or even to respond to what you feel is inappropriate talk to you, just ignore the comments all the way around.

I have noticed you don't reply to everyone who comments, so it would work the say way, correct?
comment by emptyinside on May 3, 2008 9:22 AM ()
Holli, I don't respond to anyone under 18--I did at one time and realized how foolish it was--I do check profiles for age (though you can't always go by that)--I don't answer their questions or acknowledge their cuss words--heck I don't acknowledge cuss words at all--not my style.
I have, also, for the most part, stop commenting and or reacting to people I feel are looking for an argument--basically it is if I have an ignore button in my head, on my fingertips and on the keyboard.
comment by greatmartin on May 2, 2008 9:03 PM ()
I have mixed feelings here, especially about an 'ignore' button--I just ignore people (young and old) I don't want to deal with (I am getting better at that LOL)--and who is to say that 'adult' you think is 40 is really 14???
I don't know what you mean by the 'criminal' aspect but I will say whatever I want to say on MY blog and do not have any 'designs' on ANYONE so I don't have a problem with that 'minor' thing.
As I said I have mixed feelings about all this but prefer not to condone censorship which is what I see this as.
comment by greatmartin on May 2, 2008 4:11 PM ()
okay so before you start trying to stir some #### maybe you really need to look into my age i am 17 years old 17 not 13 not 14 17... one more time 17 i am i junior in high school 17! got it. and go ahead with the ignore button that would be a great addition to mybloggers just dandy!!! and as far as what we say to one another is are business okay! and why does the language we use offend you so you are an 'adult' right???
comment by oodlesofnoodles on May 2, 2008 12:49 PM ()
comment by caralynnfarley on May 2, 2008 12:40 PM ()
ignore us... fine by me... good riddance... :) but going on OUR profiles... we can say what we want to each other on each others profiles because we are friends... if i want to tell her PENIS! i can cuz its an inside joke between us.. you like to moan and groan about us commenting on yours but you go and look at ours and crawl to eddie.... later xoxox....
comment by caralynnfarley on May 2, 2008 12:20 PM ()
they need some kind of security there.
Not sure what,but something.
This could be trouble.
You were smart in your thinking.
comment by fredo on May 2, 2008 9:45 AM ()
Good idea...I went into chat the other day and these two were in there....I didn't stay long..
comment by elfie33 on May 2, 2008 9:07 AM ()
the 'ignore' feature sounds like a really good idea.. and i think these ppl are here only to mess around. i'm a minor myself, but i do know how to behave and i am capable of choosing what i can and cannot read/see. i admire your wise and classy response even though it must be really disturbing for you. the way i see it, ppl can do whatever they want so long as they enjoy doing it and i don't really care AND i that's how i expect ppl to treat me. hah-sorry for the bad english . remember, we you, Holly!
comment by raragoe on May 2, 2008 6:42 AM ()
Your absolutely right, Bring on the ignore button. In defense of blog sites and chat rooms, it is hard to control who writes what and to who as you know yourself, and there's no need to have to put up with immature responses/comments from anyone for that matter teens or adults.
My son has a blog on Blogster, but he's only allowed to post a post once it's been censored by me, he even has a bebo account, again he's only allowed to post something if it's been censored and he's 15! I do it to protect him as well as others. Kids today have far too much access to the Internet, I proved this with the stat counter, I found some of my students were entering my club website from the 'holy lemon' pages, I checked this site out and there's alot of things I don't want my children seeing, and guess where the computers were located - 'In their School'.
I think the Ignore button would work well if only to give a little 'more' control over who responds, I think it would be better than nothing, because there's nothing worse than having to feel pressured more into what we write and how we communicate between each other. Adult conversations can go all ways, we all have them, laugh and joke about this and that, we 'need' our freedom to chat without childish feedback.
We need more control - I would like to see the ignore feature or something that works equally well.
comment by lynnie on May 2, 2008 3:13 AM ()

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