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To up load any of these banners onto
your MyBloggers header simply right click and then scroll down to save as and you
can either keep the name I have names the banner or pick your own. Save it
somewhere you will remember then go to mybloggers and click on USER CENTER
then SETTINGS you will see HEADER DESIGN to the left in red, Click it!
You will then see the word BACKGROUNDand
below that is the word ABSTRACT right next to it is an arrow click that and you
will find a dropdown menu. Scroll don that to the very end and click upload.
Then a button will appear that says browse, Click It!
This will lead you to a pop up window
direction you to your computer files. Simply find your header design and Click
it and it is all yours!
These banners and more are available at
graphics website,
Click here to visit
Hollywould Graphics and Design.