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Life & Events > Boring > Like a Rock ...

Like a Rock ...

Describes the way my new pillow feels.

I'm a one pillow kind of person. I've tried convincing myself that I love the plush luxury of two... but no, the truth is, one works just fine.

So the other day, J n' I bought four new pillows for our bed - even though we really only needed three - we wanted four so it looks nice n' even on the bed. Besides, you never know when you'll have company that will request another pillow - so it's always good to have an extra on hand. We figured it was about time we bought some new pillows because our old ones were, well... old. You know how pillows can get after a few three or four (or more) years of constant use. Yeah... they were kinda like that. You can't toss them in the washer like you can with a comforter. Your only choice is to toss them out. It's a shame, because I liked the worked-in feel of my old pillow. Meanwhile, these new ones... Jeeze Louise... I can't stand them!

Night one with our new pillows - neither J nor I had a good sleep. We both found ourselves waking up throughout the night trying to get comfortable. I know I'm not alone when I say that my new pillow felt more like a rock than a cozy headrest.

Now, in anticipation that something like this might happen, we actually bought two different sets of pillows. So I figured that the solution was simple. I had merely tossed the wrong pillow on the floor, and decided that for night two, I would try the other.

Night two with out new pillows - J slept just fine with his two new pillows. Meanwhile, I found that I still could not get comfortable. The pillow might have felt even fluffier upon first touch... but sleeping on it was like resting my head on an even larger rock. Ack. I hated it.

I awoke this morning with a bit of a kink in my neck. I'm sure I would've been more comfortable with no pillow at all. Seriously.

J keeps teasing me that I should grab my old pillow if I miss it so much -- it's still in the garbage bag outside.... I just gotta sift through the cat shit first. Ha. Nice guy.

But you know, if he hadn't thrown the kitty litter into that same garbage bag, I might actually consider it. Then again, who am I kidding... no I wouldn't. I want a new pillow as much as the next guy. I'm just not crazy about working out the kinks.

When J hopped out of bed this morning, I rolled over on to his side to give his pillow a test drive. Oh gawd, SO much better! I don't know if he has a heavy head or what - but his pillow already has that nice worked-in feel. I think I might have to swap pillows when he's not looking... or else I may need to take a rolling pin to mine and flatten it out a little more.


Stupid new pillow.

Well, third time's the charm, right? Maybe tonight I'll get a better sleep. If not, I think may need to swap my pillow for one of the golden oldies in the spare bedroom. (Or just steal J's...)

posted on Feb 7, 2009 7:02 AM ()

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