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Keepin' Busy

So I haven't been around MyBloggers in a week or so because I've been trying to make myself useful. With the exception of the occasional excursion over to Facebook, I've been trying to stay off the computer and be productive.

Since the weather has been pretty decent lately, I've been getting out for a good long, brisk walk almost every day. Although I think I'm going to have to either incorporate some big hills into my route, or make my walk longer, because I'm already well-adjusted to the distance. I need to keep pushing myself. Once all those slushy puddles have dried up, I think I'm going to get back into running. Right now it's just too splishy-splashy for my liking.

I've also been trying to read more as my goal was to get through 10 books this year. (I know it sounds simple enough to some... but I really don't make enough time for reading in my life. Actually, correction -- I do read quite a bit... I just don't finish a lot.) Even though I'm partway through the Schultz bio, I'm finding that it just doesn't grab me and leave me wanting to come back for more day after day. So I've decided to set it aside for a while and instead I'm now about halfway through, "Memories of John Lennon". Every chapter is written by a different person in his life. I'm really enjoying it. I think I'll finish it within the week, as it's doing a great job of keeping my attention.

I think that's my thing... I must have a short attention span or something. I like short chapters. I could have two books with the same number of pages... but if one has a series of short 5 - 10 page chapters, and the other has chapters that are 20 - 30 pages long, I'll finish the one with the short chapters 100 times faster than the one with the long chapters. It's just the way I am.... and now that I've come to realize this, I think I know what to look for in future books I intend to read.

Hmm... what else...?

Well, the biggest chunk of my time has been spent working on a cookbook scrapbook for my sister. Gawd, my living room floor has a friggin' mess of papers for the last week or so. I've never made a scrapbook before... but let me tell you, it's pretty labour intensive. I'm only doing about 40 recipes, but it's been taking me foreva... and I gotta get it done before I fly home on Friday.

That's the other exciting news. I'm going home on Friday and it's gonna be wonderful!!!

Every trip home I've ever made has been with an agenda. Actually, I've only been to my hometown twice since moving out here. Once for Easter three years ago, and once to stand in my cousin's wedding about 2.5 years ago. Both times were complete chaos. I was there for less than a week, and was busy, busy, busy. This time I'll be visiting for 10 days (well, 10 sleeps... two of those days I'll be travelling to and fro.) I've scheduled the trip to coincide with my niece's spring break, so I'll get some extra quality time with her. I'm thrilled!

I have to get up way to early on Friday morning (like 5:00 am) in order to catch my 7:00 flight. I arrive just after 4:00, and will spend the next couple of days in Ottawa with one of my bestest, oldest friends. Then on Sunday she'll pass me off to my cousin (a mutual friend) who will meet up with us at the halfway point between Ottawa and Pemmytown. The way they described the details of the trade off, they joked that it almost sounded like they were planning a drug deal - so I keep teasing that I'm they're their "BC bud". :P

Then I'll spend a couple days at my cousin's place. I bought a Mad Libs for Adults book for us to play with. (We used to make up our own Mad Libs as kids, so it should be a fun surprise. She sent me a Mad Libs book for my birthday a few years ago.)

Then on Tuesday night I'll head over to my sister's place where I'll spend the rest of the week. She has been excited to cook up a storm with me. (She's really gotten into cooking lately - hence the scrapbook of my fav recipes.) I'm also looking forward to spoiling my niece and meeting my new little nephew who'll be 7 months old.

Finally on Sunday evening, I'll return to my friend's house in Ottawa, and catch my flight back to BC on Monday morning.

Even though I already know that the time will fly by super quick, this is the longest I've ever been away from J. Ten sleeps. Of course, I'm pretty sure we'll both survive. ;) But because we're together 24/7, it will be kinda weird. We keep saying that we miss each other already... although I know he'll end up missing me more since he'll be all alone at home, with only les chats and our empty bed. At least I'll have the company of old friends and family. It was just too expensive for us both to fly out east. And besides, this way I don't have to worry if he's having a fun time. I can just enjoy myself.

Anyhow, it'll be a good trip No, scratch that... It will be a GREAT trip! I really can't wait.

Since I booked my tickets back in December, this trip home has been one of the top things on my mind. I've even caught myself humming Adele's beautiful song, "Hometown Glory" quite as bit, as I imagine "walking in the same way as I did/ and missing out the cracks in the pavement/ and tutting my heel and strutting my feet..."

posted on Mar 9, 2009 3:31 PM ()

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