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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Forgive Me, MyBloggers?

Forgive Me, MyBloggers?

Oh, I'm truly sorry, dear MyBloggers, for I've neglected you so.

It all started when I took a bit of a hiatus back in March to return home to Ontariariario. (That's actually the way they used to sing it in an Ontario tourism commercial from my childhood. "A place to live. A place to grow. Ontariariario."). Anyhow, upon my return, I felt that I had so much to say about my trip home, that I became overwhelmed and then soon frozen in a lengthy standoff with procrastination. Eventually, I found that my time became wrapped up in other shtuff... I didn't make time for blogging anymore, even though I missed it.

I've missed you, MyBloggers. I really have. But as the weeks and months flew by, I felt that there was no turning back. Instead I returned to my love 'em and leave 'em ways and started up a NEW blog elsewhere - probably the 6th one I've started in as many years. I know, I know... damn my cheating heart!

Actually, part of the reason for the new blog, was to offer a more public forum. The movie stuff had finally started taking shape and I was getting harassed by friends and family that I should start a blog to keep everyone in the loop on our progress.

Now, clearly there was no way I could direct them all here. Not after the things I've said to you all in confidence about certain friends n' family members who have managed to piss me off from time to time over the last couple years.

MyBloggers has always been my private dumping ground. Heck, not even J read this blog. He wants to allow me the privacy of my thoughts for an audience of strangers, who I had come to love not as strangers but more as friends. :)

And so, for the past few months I've been actively blogging over at Blogger - not only about the movie stuff, but mostly about other random nonsense, the kinds of things I used to share with all of you. Unfortunately, I'm afraid to say that I haven't been the best multi-tasker. I don't know why I didn't bother to copy my postings from over there to over here... sheer laziness, I suppose. There really is no excuse.

But there is no way I could ever permanently cut this place out of my life. I miss you all. I really do. I see many of your profiles on Facebook and wonder what you've all been up to... what you're blogging about... what's making you happy or sad that you haven't been sharing with the FB universe, and can only be found within the confines of these cyber walls. And yet, I haven't bothered keeping up on your blogs, because I felt that if I ever returned to MyBloggers, I would have to write something first.

Something like what I'm writing right now...

A catch-up, how've ya been, sorry I haven't been around much letter.

Oh MyBloggers... I do hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. And while I still plan to maintain an open relationship between this blog and the one of the same name over at Blogger, I will make a better effort to post my random ramblings in both places... if you promise to still read. Not to mention, I always got a much better response over here anyway. Friends and family insist they love to read, but their comments are very few and far between - which I can't help but find disappointing. I certainly don't get the same wonderful sense of community with those I know in "real life" as I do with those I have come to know over here. Sad, huh?

Okay... so on that note, I promise to renew my commitment to you MyBloggers, thereby putting an end to our little 7 month break. :)

posted on Oct 15, 2009 11:10 PM ()

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