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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Where is Everybody?

Where is Everybody?

I decided to take a long overdue stroll 'round MyBloggers-town this evening.

I threw on my runners, tied up my scarf, and grabbed my coat.

"I'll see you in a few!" I said, as I kissed J on the cheek and headed out the door.

With autumn upon us, the sun has started heading off to bed earlier than usual. Her sheer nightgown slowly trails behind, staining wispy clouds with a brilliant pinky-orange glow.

I admire her dimming radiance as I pause to write a little note or two and let a few of my old MyBloggers-town friends know that I had stopped by to say hello.

I then continue on my way...

Soon a smattering of stars begin to pierce the darkness. I wish on one as I walk up the sidewalk to another friend's house. I knock on the door. No answer.

I stand on my tip-toes and peer into black windows. My eyes adjust, focusing beyond my own reflection and eventually at the dusty mementoes left by the previous owner. Looks like no one has been here in a while. I wonder where they went? Maybe they're on vacation, much like I had been. I wonder what they're doing now?

I head up the path to another house, and another, and another, and yet another. The lights are all out. No one is home. Was there a mass evacuation? Did I miss something here?

I take a seat on a bench by the creek. The water happily bubbles over the rocks. Invisible frogs croak from the tall grass. The ducks squat nearby, their beaks tucked beneath their wings. They stare at me, blink, perceive no threat, and close their eyes.

I take a breath and stare up again at the stunning night sky in quiet solitude.

Wait a minute... Quiet solitude? What the hell is up with that? If I wanted solitude, I'd take a bubble bath.

Someone please tell me... Where did everybody go?

posted on Oct 16, 2009 8:05 PM ()

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