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Life & Events > Doldrums (I'd Rather ... )

Doldrums (I'd Rather ... )

If you could...

1. What location would you rather live in?
A. Tofino, BC. I've never been, but I already know it's where I'll end up someday. I can feel it in my bones. :)

2. Where would you rather be right now on a vacation?
A. A practical answer would be Ontario, making the rounds between Pembroke, Ottawa and Toronto.

Meanwhile, an honest answer would be anywhere the sun is shining, the water is green, the drinks are fruity and with zero agenda!

3. If you could have one new law passed in your country, it would be...
A. To make animal cruelty (in all cases) a felony. (I would have to agree with this one!)

4. If you could solve any world problem it would be...
A. I'll paint with broad strokes and say pollution, in general. That way my answer will have an impact on water, earth, air and climate. Kind of a cheater's answer, but I didn't see any rules posted around here. ;)

5. What single event would you change that happened to you?
A. Umm... I don't know, I've discovered that every shitty thing I've ever endured (and believe me, while I don't speak about them... there's been plenty!), has ended up having a purpose at some later point in my life. Either it made me stronger, or I learned something about myself or whatever... So I really can't say off the top of my head? Let me get back to this one.

Okay, I'm back! At my college Christmas party, I had a wardrob malfunction, but didn't realize it until I got my film developed. Ugh! It was in a picture that I had asked my PROF to take of me n' my friends! Double ugh! I don't know if I had been walking around with a wardrob malfunction for half a second, half a minute, half an hour, or HALF THE NIGHT!? (However, since it only showed up in one photo, I'm going to assume that my dress wasn't like that all evening, or someone would've said something... hopefully.) So yes... I would certainly change that if I could. *LOL* How embarrassing!! 

6. What world event would you change?
A. Well, while I acknowledge that all wars are awful, I think all the pea-brained politics behind the Vietnam war sound pretty friggin' terrible. People drafted and made to give up their young lives for total b.s. reasons...and then put in shitty care facilities when they return home wounded. Yeah, I'd certainly change that. 

7. What automobile would you like to have owned in your lifetime?
A. Dunno. I use to want a renovated school bus that I could paint all funky. But I really only want to paint it... I don't think I'd want to drive around in it all the time.

8. What place would you have liked to visit that you haven't?
A. Papua New Guinea, or else the Galapagos.

9. Who would you like to have spent a day with? (Must have lived during your lifetime.)
A. Maybe a day in NYC with John Lennon. He died the year after I was born, so I'm just squeaking in under the wire there....

10. What item that you lost, or disappeared from your life would you like to have back today? (Must be an object, not a person or pet.)
A. A few of my paintings. Some I temporarily left at my parent's house when I moved, but I'd be very surprised if they still had them, or if they were at least still in good condition. They probably used them for lining the cat's litter box. :P

Then there was one I was inspired to paint for my sister when my niece was born. It was easily one of my all-time favourite paintings. But I had a "feeling", so I took a million pictures of it before I passed it on to her. Sure enough, when she ran away from her abusive ex about a year later, he burned all her stuff before she could she could return for it. (Including their child's crib!) I'm very confident my painting was in that pile. He hated me. (Naturally, the feeling was VERY mutual.)

11. What would you like to happen to you tomorrow?
A. I'd like something to happen so that I'd never have to concern myself with budgets or money matters ever again. Wouldn't that be nice?!  

12. What would you wish for your body if you could magically make it happen?
A. That it would be immune to heart disease, cancers, or any other ailments. I often joke that I have a "goal" to die peacefully in my sleep in my late 90's, at the exact same time as J, so we never have to live without one another.  Of course, I think the only way that's possible is if we die of carbon monoxide poisoning in the middle of the night, which really casts a grim shadow across my whole "dying peacefully together" idea now, doesn't it? :P

13. What would you like to see banned everywhere?
A. Assholes

14. What would you enjoy for your next meal, if you could have anything without having to cook it yourself?
A. Even though it's getting late in the morning, my next meal would be breakfast... so I'd probably like to go to the Bohemian Cafe and have a cup o' jo, a big glass of O.J. and a plate of Huveos Rancheros. To quote their online menu, " A hearty breakfast with a bohemian flair. Two eggs served over-easy or scrambled with refried beans, tortilla chips, vegetarian chili and cheddar. Garnished with guacamole, salsa, and sour cream and served with hash browns. Hans' favourite." (I believe Hans is the owner.)

Oh gawd, that sounds good. I wonder if I can convince J to skip our cereal this a.m. and go downtown? ;) Maybe tomorrow... 

15. What would you do if you could make your best friend happier?
A. I have more than one best friend... so, I'd give one the man of her dreams, the next a stress-free job of her dreams, the third a baby, and J a successful career as a director. :)

posted on Jan 21, 2010 10:02 AM ()

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