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Life & Events > Where's the Wisdom in That?

Where's the Wisdom in That?

I'm scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out at 11am this Thursday and needless to say, I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm perfectly healthy, but I've never had surgery of any kind before, and certainly not anesthesia.

All four of them are coming out. They're not causing any problems or pain currently, but are unable to fully come in which could lead to infection under the gum tissue that would grow over them. I've decided that I'd rather just be out for the procedure and get them all out, as opposed to having to come back multiple times. Luckily, the roots haven't grown down to my nerve yet, so nerve damage isn't a concern.

The main thing I'm concerned about is that when I met with the surgeon (who looks a lot like Gene Wilder)
he said that because he would have to cut the gums to get the bottom ones out, the muscle that allows me to open/close my jaw would be partially cut and would take awhile to heal. This freaked me out. All but one of the sockets is being stitched up, so I'm not too worried about just feeling uneasy about gaping holes in my mouth.

I've been told the younger you are when you have this procedure done, the quicker the recovery time. The teeth of a younger person are not fully developed so it easier to take them out. I hope that's true because I've got a Chemistry exam on Tuesday that I can't miss. Anyway, wish me luck.

posted on Apr 28, 2008 12:06 PM ()


I have only had 2 wisdom teeth taken out and both times it was very unpleasant but all in all it was ok. I think you will be fine!! HUGS & try to be calm and go to your happy place
comment by panthurdreams on Apr 29, 2008 1:58 PM ()
Good Luck Matt. You will be in my thoughts next Thursday.
comment by itsjustme on Apr 29, 2008 11:34 AM ()
There's only one thing that would disturb me about this 'operation' but a blog is not an appropriate place to say it!!
You're just lucky your dentist isn't Steve Martin from that movie--I forget the title--where he is a sadistic dentist--I would rather have a Gene Wilder type!
PS In 1972 I went through surgery with my teeth that lasted for 3 days--had one of the first transplants done--plus had all my teeth capped, etc. but that's how I got my fabulous smile!!! You'll do okay
comment by greatmartin on Apr 28, 2008 7:03 PM ()
Matt you need to have this done.It is very important to get
them out now,then wait when your older.More painful.
You will be fine.Your young and strong.
Get it done and listen to the dentist.
comment by fredo on Apr 28, 2008 2:03 PM ()
I never got my wisdom teeth so I must not be very wise. make sure they give you some pain killers, I have heard that first day is rough. does that mean you get to have all the milkshakes you want?
comment by elkhound on Apr 28, 2008 1:21 PM ()
It should go OK. You are going to look a bit like a chipmunk for a few days, though. One of the ladies at work just had hers done and it worked out fine. Best of luck!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 28, 2008 12:12 PM ()

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