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Sports & Recreation > Life in the Rv Lane

Life in the Rv Lane

I've never been camping in my life. I've always liked being out in the woods, but my parents have always been the complete opposite. My mom claims that she likes camping, but she said that my dad has always been firmly against it.

Now that my sister is married, and I'll be heading off to college soon, he is thinking that he wants to get an RV and travel around the country. I guess this would be the closest that my dad would ever get to sleeping in the woods. He always demands that there needs to be air conditioning, and there has to be something comfortable to sleep on, and he can't sleep on the ground, and the bugs. You could probably make a list of things that would stop him from camping, but give him an RV and he's ready. I wouldn't consider staying in an RV to be camping. Camping would be where you stay in a tent, sleep in a sleeping bag, and stay far enough way from cities and people that you could go skinny-dipping or frolicking in the woods nude, and nobody would see you, or whoever did wouldn't care.

What I would like is to be able to go camping with someone. There's a place near me that I have already looked into and did a little research about. This place has limited camping and the only way to get there is by water, which would be fine because we could kayak or jetski over there. Whoever this somebody that I would go with is wouldn't be anyone I know right now as everybody that I know would refuse to sleep in the woods, even for just a few days.

posted on Apr 27, 2008 8:24 AM ()


Last summer we did south west USA by RV, It was great Matt.
comment by itsjustme on Apr 29, 2008 11:33 AM ()
I love camping!!! I have camped all my life and I've done all the different types of camping you could think of. I have slept outside with just a sleeping bag, I' done the tent w/ and wo/ an air mattress, I camped in a pop-up and a RV w/ and wo/ electric. I love it all!!!!! Hope you get to try it soon and have a blast!!!!
comment by hilow on Apr 28, 2008 8:31 AM ()
When I was a kid my parents took us camping alot. I would love to buy an RV and travel around while camping and fishing!
comment by hopefields on Apr 27, 2008 9:58 PM ()
I love to camp. When I was your age, (God, how I hate to say that!)I would spend two weeks every summer backpacking in the Sangre' de Christi mountains in New Mexico. Every spring, me and friends would go on a week long canoe trip on Spring Break. I have gotten away from it, but I love the outdoors.
comment by thepirateinthecity on Apr 27, 2008 8:49 PM ()
Unfortunately, I want my creature comforts also. I love being in nature, but I want a place to rest where the bugs aren't plentiful.
comment by angiedw on Apr 27, 2008 2:49 PM ()
I'm like your Dad--if I go camping I want a Hilton hotel in the middle of the woods--comfort is my first name--I can live without bug bites, animal visits, tree branches leaving marks all over my body (hey that happens when you are nude in the woods), rubbing sticks together to amke a fire, etc.
Give me a/c and room service!!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 27, 2008 10:44 AM ()
I have only been camping once and I love it! we did it the right way, tents and sleeping on the ground. ok we had an air mattress. it was a group of us and it was so much fun. but no running naked, it was a big campground.
comment by elkhound on Apr 27, 2008 9:11 AM ()
I'm originally a city boy. The only thing I knew about the "country" was the trees in the park where I hung-out as a kid. But my buddy turned me on to the Catskill mountains when I was 18 and life was never the same again. Now I have an RV only because getting off the air mattress became too much like work. With the price of gas these days we won't be going far this summer, but I still like having it parked in the backyard. It's my mancave when the ole lady has company! And it's good too if the power goes out or the water pump fails. I always keep the tanks full.

Hope you get to take your trip!!
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 27, 2008 8:48 AM ()
Camping is really awesome!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 27, 2008 8:26 AM ()

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