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Education > Lessons Learned and Classroom Questions

Lessons Learned and Classroom Questions

~At school today, a friend of mine told me he wanted the keys to my car so he could go with a friend somewhere else for the hour. I was smart enough to refuse, but when he asked if he could just sit in there, I didn't see any harm in that and besides, I couldn't stop him as my car is unlocked.

I got out to my car after school and found that the driver's seat was all the way forward with the seat back straight up. The wheel was practically down to the seat. I had a pair of gloves behind my seat for the cold days, and found those over the emergency brake lever and the shifter. The air conditioning was on (it's cold out) and the blower was on full blast. The radio was all the way up. They must have played with every control, just to annoy me. Lesson: lock your car.

~I'm not quite sure how teachers are capable of doing this, but it seems to be too common of an occurrence to be purely chance. I can go days without being called on, but once I feel completely unprepared to answer the question, I always seem to get called on.

It's almost as if teachers have a sixth sense that allows them to pick up your lack of understanding, and use that against you. Some seem to have sympathy and will ignore you while others will prey on you. While I was talking to a classmate on this topic she said that it is tempting to raise your hand just to make these sorts of teachers think that you know, but you then set yourself up for being called on still yet. There is no avoiding it.

posted on Apr 29, 2008 12:02 PM ()


Teachers have a kind of 6th sence Matt. I always leave them alone for its no contribution to the lessons I give when students dont know what to tell when asked something
comment by itsjustme on May 3, 2008 11:19 AM ()
I have nice friends--having had a convertible for 24 years and keeping the top down 24/7 unless it snowed!!!--no one ever 'played' with my car!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 29, 2008 7:38 PM ()
Students who are not confident radiate that to the teacher--down cast eyes, certain body language--and oh yes that nervous scent---I would never call on a student who seemed so uncomfortable.I always lock my car!
comment by angiedw on Apr 29, 2008 3:46 PM ()
I would be so frustrated. I don't get why people feel the need to punish us like that when we have let them use something of ours.
I used to have the same problem with teachers! I am sure youdo better than you realize, though.
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 29, 2008 3:14 PM ()
same thing used to happen to me too. The teacher would never call upon me when I knew the answer but the second I didn't...WATCH OUT!! LOL Love your writing and enjoy your Moʻolelo (narrative)!
comment by panthurdreams on Apr 29, 2008 1:45 PM ()
well Matt,yes,a lesson learned.Sound like a bully to me.
Cannot trust anyone.Watch out for this type.
comment by fredo on Apr 29, 2008 12:17 PM ()

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