I have Ryan's Barcelona pictures ready to post ::crosses fingers:: -- this wasn't easy! He sent me so many great pictures that it was difficult to narrow them down.
Anyway, here they are!
Let's start out with pictures of Ryan:
Sitges Beach:
**I will post Part II tomorrow -- Gaudi, gay Barcelona, and miscellaneous pics.
posted on June 25, 2008 1:39 PM ()
As I sit here today in drab, damp Connecticut, the sunshine SURE LOOKS GOOD!
Who's the guy in the next to last picture on the wall at the beach?? Ummm--I might have to fly to Barcelona!!!
Mmmmm... very nice. both Ryan and the rest. Sitges is famous for nude gay swimming... Make sure you listen well to his tales when you see him... it's so sad after being oin such a trip not to be vle to fill one's lover's ear with everything -- even if it does get repetitive. and do not let him think you might be jealous, [or clingy] a free spirit needs to feel free to choose. relationships are delicate things needing tender loving care at all times and forever.
Didnt I tell you how great Barca is? great pics and yes..... he is cute!
how awesome. What beautiful architechture and Ryan...wow what a cutie.
These are really great pics. THanks for sharing them. Is this the kid you sorta have an interest in? You guys look like you would make a good couple. AJ
Oh how cool, how much longer is he there for?
Those were great Matt.He seemed to have a great time there. Does he speak the language?