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Life & Events > Relationships > He's Back

He's Back

Ryan's back from Barcelona.

It was odd when he was gone. When he was in Barcelona, we sent each other emails (something we rarely do) and our emails were rather brief. Nothing too deep or intense, just simple small talk like “I hope you're having fun” or “What kind of food are you eating?”

But then again, that’s what our conversations are like. We’ll fill 45 minutes about what went on in our day, about the food we ate, the people we encountered, the weather.

“That’s the thing about relationships in our world… We make up the rules,” my friend Jamie told me last week when I told her about how Ryan and I have this weird long distance relationship. “Since the gay world never had a real blueprint as to how relationships are supposed to work, anything goes. And if it works for you, it works for you, no matter how unconventional it is.”

And she’s right. Normally, I’d never enjoy this kind of relationship, one based on surface conversations with a deeper, unspoken language of understanding that doesn’t need to be articulated, because we both just “know”. Normally, I like to talk about my feelings, I like to say, “I miss you” and “I can’t wait to see you again.” I like to say, “I wish you were here with me” and I like to hear it too. But we don’t do or say that because we don’t need to. And I’m completely fine with that, really, I am. We both know what we have, we just don’t need to talk about it.


While he was in Spain, I really began to question again exactly what we had. Are we in a ‘relationship, I asked myself. Am I limiting myself by not dating someone who’s actually here in my own city? Am I screwing myself out of a real relationship because I’m not looking?

But it was all answered when my phone rang and when I looked at who was calling, and my heart swelled and a smile broke out on my face.

At the end of the day, I don’t need constant reassurance of what I have and what it all means. All I need is what I feel and what I know and for now, I know I really like this…

For now.

** I'll post the pics tomorrow. :-)

posted on June 24, 2008 11:41 AM ()


You feel the love I see, isnt it a great feeling? Did Ryan enjoyed Spain?
comment by itsjustme on June 25, 2008 1:14 AM ()
comment by panthurdreams on June 24, 2008 6:07 PM ()
I am trying to come to terms with a long distance relationship as well. Of course, my bf is going to be in Hawaii, a 14 plane ride away. SO, I wish the best for you. And if you figure how to make it work, give this old guy a little advice.
comment by thepirateinthecity on June 24, 2008 4:30 PM ()
Of course you are in a relationship -- a good one. But it doesnt hurt to tell the object of your love that you love him.... it's not a good idea to imagine the other person 'knows' we love them... not everyone is blessed with ESP. Talking about feelings from time to time is necessary if problems occur. it's never a good idea to let them smoulder. Following an older friend's advice, in 42 years we've never gone to bed on an argument. It woks. As for missing out. sex without love is a birt like eggs without salt after a while -- tasteless and also meaningless. But we all have to discover that for ourselves
comment by clovis on June 24, 2008 3:45 PM ()
I disagree with AJ but then I believe that people who love each other should express it in all ways unless it will be love between friends which is a different relationship--nothing wrong with fantasy if it is going to take you away from reality and your pursuit of happiness and the qusetion I have is does he feel the same way when he knows it is you calling? Can you ask him that? Or is it a one way feeling and are you having expectations that won't be filled? There are all sorts of relationships that can be really fullfilling without having expectations--just throwing out some thoughts to you.
comment by greatmartin on June 24, 2008 3:34 PM ()
You are so right, Matt. It is really about how you feel. As long as the love is there and you are both happy, no one can say you are anything but together.
comment by lunarhunk on June 24, 2008 2:46 PM ()
comment by walkwithgrace on June 24, 2008 1:12 PM ()
comment by firststarisee on June 24, 2008 12:23 PM ()

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