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Life & Events > A Huge Deal

A Huge Deal

I hate to state the obvious, but it’s June. June! Do you know what that means? It means that I have all of 5 days before what is probably the most anticipated event of my life - graduation is June 8.

To say that I am looking forward to graduation would be making a serious understatement - as if it is on the same level as the weekend or the newest flick or ice cream for dessert. No, graduation means the end of high school and marks the beginning of adulthood, so it is a huge deal. And, for me, the end of high school also means the beginning of college, which is also monumental.

Yes, I have excitedly anticipated graduation and adulthood for as long as I can remember. But now, things are actually happening. It has just hit me all of the sudden: I’m going to college! I’m going to be an adult! When did this happen? What did those twelve years of my education - of seeming toil and loneliness and endless homework - wind down to? At this point, I’m more interested in keeping my eyes on the road in front of me - all leading up to the fall term that starts September 2. On top of all that, college is not my final destination. Graduation is more of a beginning than an end. When I start to consider that, my mind starts churning out a whole new list, even more confused and spastic than the first.

It is so easy to feel overwhelmed by the whirlwind that life is at times of change and transition like these. It is so easy and natural to slip into that state where you deliriously go over all those lists and dream — and worry about what shape the future will take.

I know I can sound pretty anxious in my excitement and curiosity about what lies ahead for me. This post really is self-indulgent, because I have been trying hard to not drive people crazy with constant chatter about college and graduation and jobs and…yes…all that. Because really, who cares? Everyone has enough of their own life and stress to deal with to spend all their time listening about mine. And when it comes right down to the heart of the issue, I have enough life to live right now to not need to waste my time spinning fantasies about the future. I have real life — right now! — and, let me tell you, my “To-Do” list confirms that I have plenty of it.

At the same time, I am excited for whatever it is that the future is going to bring. I am scolding myself like an adult, since — honestly — these times and all the feelings that accompany them make me feel like a little kid again. Here I am again, chatting away with my friends about my hopes and dreams and plans. The truth is, my friends and I still talk about the same things, even if we have added some more serious or intellectual topics. I suspect that a big part of it is that we think we are more grown up. And we are — we are growing up. We are approaching adulthood, rapidly. It is simply that times like these make me feel like a silly little kid who doesn’t know any more about what’s best for him than the next kid does. For all my worry, I am still going to be a kid, only, with more schoolwork and responsibility. I’m just going to be a college kid, that’s all.

In the end, there’s not much I can do about my immaturity. I mean, I can worry about it all day, but it will not be until I am experiencing adulthood, grappling with my real future (not my fantasy of it) and have a better idea of what growing up means for me that I will actually be able to do it. For now, I have much to do, much to enjoy, and not much time to waste with worrying.

posted on June 3, 2008 10:49 AM ()


Great advice. Thanks!
comment by mattguru18 on June 6, 2008 1:54 PM ()
Every new event, no matter how momentous or insignificant it is, leaves us changed. From minute to minute, we are different. Graduation is a milestone, but, as Paul Simon wrote, "I am older than I once was/and younger than I'll be./ That's not unusual./ No, it isn't strange./ After changes upon changes we are more or less the same./ After changes, we are more or less the same."
Congrats on your achievement, Matt! There is a brave new world about to open up for you!
comment by hayduke on June 6, 2008 9:24 AM ()
Congratulations, Matt. We're all very proud of you! A tip, go through your (probably online) yearbook, and make a few notes about the folks you want to hang on to. Get their e-dresses, and stay in touch! You're a grown up now, the personal phone book is yours to maintain! Great job, getting this far! Have a great life. Stay in touch.
comment by thestephymore on June 4, 2008 12:57 AM ()
"Graduation is more of a beginning than an end" as a teacher I can preach that off course. But dont forget to celebrate the ending of a long period Matt. CONGRATS! (btw graduation is on a Sunday?)
comment by itsjustme on June 4, 2008 12:41 AM ()
Yes, it is a huge deal. You're right. But, please enjoy the moment! Your high school graduation comes only once in your lifetime. It is a moment of celebration for all of your hard work. Pamper yourself! Be proud of yourself! You certainly deserve it. For that one day, during graduation, don't think too much -- just enjoy it, my friend.
comment by hopefields on June 4, 2008 12:03 AM ()
Congrats! Yes, this is a crazy big day for you
comment by firststarisee on June 3, 2008 10:35 PM ()
Congrats Matt!! Our son graduated high school last year and went to his first year of college this past year. It does go by so fast! And each year goes a little faster!! Do enjoy this week and this summer. You've only just begun!!
comment by texastar on June 3, 2008 8:06 PM ()
You don't want to hear this but stay a kid as long as you can--you have many years of growing, maturity, maki8ng mistakes (yes, we all do), experiencing so many things for the first time--enjoy it all--the bad and good, the bad (yes, there will be that, too)--and KEEP NOTES as you go along--you will be glad you did.
Okay, let's start getting those bills paid now that you are an adult!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 3, 2008 4:32 PM ()
congratulations Matt! I remember too well when my daughter graduated high school and all the crazy emotions. so happy to be done with high school but yet sad also that it was over. enjoy these days leading up to graduation and the days after! have a great summer!
comment by elkhound on June 3, 2008 1:42 PM ()
So glad you could share this with us and we could be here to listen. I did not go to college right away and was going to wait a year. Well that year turned into 10 years and I am just now going back to school. I do love it though and am glad i am mature enough now to handle it...I had to do some discovery work of my own...did some traveling and now back on track. Good for you and your maturity and honesty!! You'll do great in life.
comment by panthurdreams on June 3, 2008 12:59 PM ()
I have no doubt that you will do fine! You have yourself all set to face the real world. Only 5 more days ... you must be so excited! CONGRATULATIONS!
comment by lunarhunk on June 3, 2008 12:46 PM ()
Matt, don't ever lose your enthusiasm for life.
comment by nittineedles on June 3, 2008 12:06 PM ()
I hope that your time at the university is a good experience. That is what I wanted for my son and it was. I wish the same for you. Congratulations on all your accomplishments, but as you have said, they are only a stepping stone to greater things to come.
comment by angiedw on June 3, 2008 11:57 AM ()
Dude, I am still waiting to be a grown up.
comment by thepirateinthecity on June 3, 2008 11:39 AM ()
Look at the past with fondness and treasure the memories because now you have a whole new book to open, fill it wisley for now is the time you'll be making all your dreams come true - make this time mean some something
p.s ((((Goodluck Matt))))
p.p.s Your only allowed to doodle phone numbers on the back page hehe. Have fun
comment by lynnie on June 3, 2008 10:56 AM ()

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