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Life & Events > 78 Degrees and Sunny

78 Degrees and Sunny

The sun shone yesterday. It beat down to a blistering 78 degrees inland so I hit the beach after school. The beach was swarming with young guys, mostly in their 70's, red plaid, sitting in lawn chairs fishing and likely chatting about how sexy Jamie Lee Curtis is in her new Activia commercial.

Afterwards I got on one of freeways jammed with cars. As people lose their jobs, they must search high and low for a new one even if it means a 50 mile commute. Combine that with rising gas prices and it's no wonder real income in the US is falling fast. I hit up Brookfield Square Mall to spend my 50 dollar gap gift card. You can see first hand how much money people are spending in the mall, none. Which now means that gap employees are that much more overbearing.

"Gap Card with low introductory rates, dress shirts for every occasion, pants, we have pants, you like, I'll start you a fitting room, we have belts too, oh and polos, every guy needs a polo, WILL THIS BE ON YOUR GAP CARD? GAP CARD GAP CARD GAP CARD"

"Did I TELL YOU that you can save 20% by opening a GAP CARD?"

"Are you sure you don't want a GAP CARD"


I paid and left.

I lowered the windows on my Mom's car and headed to the bohemian side of Milwaukee. Hippies and Hipsters, Homeless and Homosexuals. I walked past a few gay-owned restaurants with diners eating al fresco on the sidewalk and instantly felt at home. Spring was, finally, here. I sipped my chai green tea outside the coffee shop and observed the characters on the street. Before I knew it a homeless man was sitting at my table asking me questions. Now, I was REALLY at home. We exchanged pleasantries and then had a long awkward moment of sitting and sipping, before he moved on to the next table. Dreadlocks and scooters, skinny jeans and strong cologne all walked by.

posted on Apr 22, 2008 11:36 AM ()


Sounds like spending a nice day mate. I am curious about the bohemian side of Milwaukee.
comment by itsjustme on Apr 23, 2008 12:15 AM ()
That's just another day in South Florida but not so cold!!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 22, 2008 8:06 PM ()
Interesting day. I have always wanted to visit Milwaukee. It is like Mecca for Harley owners.
comment by thepirateinthecity on Apr 22, 2008 7:21 PM ()
What a great post, I was along for the ride. Speaking of the "ride'
it's a term used in the UK, The London Tube - Mind the Gap
Those amplified voices you hear saying, "Mind the gap" when you're on the London tube? "The gap" is the space between the train and the tube platform, ...
Just a different perspective on gapping..
comment by anacoana on Apr 22, 2008 2:59 PM ()
Great Matt,it is sunny and warm here.Can wait to hit the
beach.Yea,just did some shopping at Sears and they ask me
the same.Sorry,all ready have one.Then they try to set you
up on a credit card like I need another.
Any hot dude at the beach.
comment by fredo on Apr 22, 2008 12:17 PM ()
Sounds like a great day at the beach.
I get so frustrated with the suggestive selling. I know that it is a requirement for them, but I find it makes me want to NOT buy things.
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 22, 2008 11:39 AM ()

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