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Love As Much As You Can

Life & Events > Ten Again ...

Ten Again ...

...and not in a good way. Today I got a call from the vice principle of my daughter's high school. It was about my daughter, but also about me. She's been absent a lot, mostly due to illness. One day was because she needed to spend the day catching up on homework.

She has allergies. They weren't all that active in Oregon because the rain washes stuff out of the air. That, or we didn't have a house full of must and dust. As you all know, I've been working very hard on resolving that issue, partly because I've suspected that it might be causing her to be sick.

When I got sick too, it was kind of a relief. It meant that maybe she's been sick because she caught a bug and not because I'm putting her in danger by living here! I wasn't sure if she could discern whether the sore throats she's been complaining of are caused by the post nasal drip of an allergy, or if she's coming down with something. Regardless of the cause, I usually let her stay home if she's not feeling up to snuff.

Well, these days it's a big deal if you let your kid miss too much school. The police can be called! He made sure I knew about that! The last thing I want is to call attention to our family or home situation. In spite of my progress there are still many things that are not right in our home, like inadequate cooking facilities, tiny fridge, leaky faucets, torn up flooring, etc. When we first got here I was worried that if DHS knew we were living the way we were living, they might take my daughter away! It's one reason I was so hesitant to let people in, even to help me.

For some reason this phone call has me quite rattled. Even hours later I still feel shaky, as if I was somehow in a life-threatening situation. It's like I was ten years old again, in trouble for breaking some rule that I barely even knew existed! I handled it in the most adult way I could muster while I was talking to him, but after I hung up the phone I did exactly what I would have done when I was ten. I cried.

I'm 53 years old! I've withstood my share of death and disaster! Though I am very sensitive by nature, life has given me many opportunities to develop resiliency. I'm baffled that a phone call from the vice principle still has the power to plunge me into such a state of emotional fragility.

My guess is that this very disapproving phone call triggered a long held, deep seated belief that I'm flawed, that I don't measure up, and if I don't measure up by now, I probably never will. On that note, I'm gonna go to bed.

posted on Sept 27, 2012 1:35 PM ()


Also, have you had the ducts cleaned?
comment by whereabouts on Sept 28, 2012 6:17 AM ()
No. The furnace, like so many other things, does not work.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 28, 2012 9:34 AM ()
If your daughter has allergies, carpeting is bad for her, especially THAT carpeting. Besides, it's so much easier to keep things clean with bare floors.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 28, 2012 6:17 AM ()
I agree! In fact, I've been spending an awful lot of time on the internet, searching for just the right flooring. I've hated carpeting for a long time. With four kids, (my fifth wasn't born yet the last time I had carpeting), I used to have to scrub it on my hands and knees to get the stains out. We've moved several times since then, and ripping up the carpet was always one of the first things I've done in every subsequent house I've lived in! Even if all I could do was buy a few vinyl squares at a time at the Dollar Tree, I would do it so as to have a more cleanable floor.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 28, 2012 9:33 AM ()
Something concrete, like scrubbing makes a person feel better. My doctor
used to say, "Do something real like scrubbing a floor, when you feel down"
You get a clean floor out of the deal and a sense of accomplishment. Things
have been so hard for you. Give yourself a little TLC.
comment by elderjane on Sept 28, 2012 5:12 AM ()
It's funny you should say that cuz just last Sunday someone was telling me that every time she tried to tell her mother her troubles her mom would say "Have you done your dishes yet? Go wash your dishes, it'll make you feel better." It's amazing how true that is! One year, during the worst period of my life, I decided to create a garden. It was very therapeutic.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 28, 2012 9:24 AM ()
Great advise!
reply by whereabouts on Sept 28, 2012 6:16 AM ()
Try sending her to school when she has a sore throat. If she feels better at school, you can assume it's the house. My allergy symptoms all but disappear when I leave my house and now you know what kind of housewife I am. (Still waiting for DH to get out the vacuum cleaner.)
comment by nittineedles on Sept 27, 2012 6:28 PM ()
I actually did try that. She called to come home. I think she really was sick that time, lol! This experience has made me want to ditch all the carpeting in the house and put down vinyl... cuz I'm like you, and if I wait for someone else to vacuum.................................................................
reply by maggiemae on Sept 27, 2012 7:38 PM ()
You're doing the best you can, and have been under a lot of stress, so no wonder something like this threw you for a loop. You more than measure up because look at all you have accomplished. Hugs and more hugs.
comment by troutbend on Sept 27, 2012 2:16 PM ()
Thanks for your encouragement Troutbend! I can't believe how derailed I felt. Thankfully I've been able to scrape my ego off the floor and do something constructive. That always makes me feel better.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 27, 2012 7:35 PM ()

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