I just realized I forgot to post a review for this one after we watched it on Friday. Between the Victorian Holiday Celebration, my missing/found phone, and Belle's being ill, it totally slipped my mind.
This was really a cute movie with a strong ecological message. WALL-E is a specialized robot that was designed to help process the vast amount of trash that accumulated on planet Earth. While he and his feel bots toil away at the huge amount of trash and the spoiled ecology, all of humanity has gone on an extended vacation on luxury spaceliners. In the process, they have evolved in a way in which their bone structure has shrunk and they have become chunky, to say the least.
Seven hundred years have now passed, and WALL-E is the sole remaining robot toiling away when a probe arrives to check out the planet to see if there is any signs of plant life. The probe is actually EVE, a specialized, gun-happy research robot designed specifically to find life.
In the process, she finds WALL-E, who is still dedicated to his tasks. He also fills his spare time collecting interesting items that are really not special to us today, but stand out to him in the future. He has everything from sporks to Rubik's cubes, and he also has a small obsession with the film My Fair Lady, a plot he hopes to duplicate when he falls in love with EVE.
IN the process of their getting to know each other, WALL-E helps EVE find a small plant that has succeeded in taking hold, allowing her to complete her mission and possibly change the whole future of humanity.
Pixar has done a wonderful job anthropomorphizing a number of different robots so viewers can help but feel for them and laugh with them as they experience everything their universe has to offer. This is done surprisingly well with limited speech from any characters. The villains are interestingly designed with strong resemblances to HAL of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Maximillian from The Black Hole.
We both really enjoyed this one.