Stephanie Plum dies into one of her adventures that falls in between her traditional tales as she celebrates St. Patrick's Day. And as with most of her holiday novels, she is joined by the mysterious Diesel.
It all starts when Grandma Mazur ends up disappearing after finding a sack full of money at the end of a rainbow. She takes advantage of the opportunities and heads off to Atlantic City to try to make the money grow.
When Stephanie finally catches up with Grandma Mazur with the help of Lula and and the usual cast of interesting characters. They all find themselves frown into the illegal plans of Snuggy O'Conner, an ex-jocky with dreams that he is a leprechaun and hopes of saving a horse named Doug that is schedule to be put down. Doug's owner, Lou Delvina, wants Snuggy to pick up the vet bill for Doug's treatment ... unfortunately, Grandma Mazur and friends have already spent a good chunk of the money. It is going to take more than a little Irish luck to get everyone out of trouble.
This is actually the first of the Diesel related holiday books with Stephanie Plum that I actually enjoyed. I have to admit to finding Diesel less than interesting and unnecessary in a world in which Stephanie is already torn by her feelings for Joe Morrelli and one of her fellow bounty hunters. This one, though, makes up for the usually weak stories surrounding Diesel with some truly quirky characters and cameos by just about everyone in Stephanie's universe. This one is definitely worth the pick up!