AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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World Of Ares

Life & Events > I've Fallen, But I Did Get Up

I've Fallen, But I Did Get Up

The good news is that Ray and I had a blast at our usual Saturday cards with the ladies. The bad news is that I had an accident when we got home. I think I have mentioned in the past that Jolie has trouble with the stairs. We live in an old house, which means the stairs are pretty steep with her short, stubby legs and long body, she tends turn into a toboggan when she tries to come down them. As a result, she is smart enough not to try. On a bright note, she has no problem getting up them.

Well, it was time for dinner so I went up stairs to get her so she could eat. I actually forgot that there was a case of soda on the stairs and stepped on them, allowing me to lose my balance and take a tumble. Fortunately, it was not a long fall. I am not sure how I did it, but we plowed into the floor and the door in the wall opposite the staircase. I somehow avoided crushing poor Jolie, though I did land on one of my knees and smashed my wrist pretty bad.

I put Jolie down immediately, and she seemed totally unstunned and unhurt. In fact, she just rushed to go get her food, not realizing what actually happened. She is not actually the brightest bulb anyway. She is full of love, and loves her Papa (me), but Belle has the brains in our furry family.

I did not come out of the fall so great. I am not seriously hurt. I landed on my knee hard enough that I somehow got a layer of skin pushed through the knee of my pants. I also have some cloth embedded in the knee. My wrist has a little bit of swelling on the side. I think it might be due to the fact that I got my watch caught and that cause a bit of damage. Nothing appears to be broken. In fact, I am sore, but I am actually typing with both hands.

So, the klutz in me shines through once again!

posted on Nov 22, 2008 7:23 PM ()


That could have been serious. I'm glad you didn't break anything. I've fallen down the stairs before and was shocked when it happened. Did the thought "I can't believe I just fell down the stairs" go through your head? I just thought I'd never fall down the stairs,
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 24, 2008 11:36 AM ()
Will a kiss on it help a bit... joking
comment by itsjustme on Nov 24, 2008 1:06 AM ()
sorry,to hear about this.Hope that you get all of this checked out.
It could have been serious there.I know the feeling of steep stairs as we have them here in the schoolhouse.I make it a habit to hang on the railings.
Take care.Let Ray pamper you.
comment by fredo on Nov 23, 2008 6:35 AM ()
Ah, my fallen angel---I know you think everything is okay BUT you have insurance--go get the knee and wrist checked out--I don't want to have to say "I told you so" but you know I will if it turns out to be bad!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 22, 2008 9:35 PM ()
glad you are ok.... at least you didn't hit your head~ which could have in turn broken your neck! Be careful A.J.! Glad the day went well with the friends.
comment by cindy on Nov 22, 2008 8:30 PM ()
Ouch! I can empathize with the klutz in you though.
comment by peanutsmom on Nov 22, 2008 7:41 PM ()

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