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Jobs & Careers > Karma and Her Arse Kicking Shoes.

Karma and Her Arse Kicking Shoes.

A couple of days ago I had started to write about Karma putting on her spike-heeled boots and stomping the absolute bloody kerrap out of a young aide [AideOne] from the…I-am-so-bloody-wonderful-therefore-I-am-entitled to…generation. I blame the parents.

AideOne has had the opportunity to be not only a beauty on the outside. Which she is. But also have beauty with-in. She has chosen to go the wowser/schnauzer [she’s a dog. Haha] route.

And she is VERY good at it.

I can imagine there were more than a few contemporaries during her mean girl school years who wished…Yeah. Well I hope you get FAT!… At their future school reunions they may find that their wish has come true. It’s her only humility. Her chubbiness. Apparently, during her younger years, yeah she is all of 20 of them, she was built like a brick outhouse. And now she is not.

About how it started all coming back at her with this second pregnancy. It’s a girl. Her and her husband of two years already have a little bloke who is three. I had suspected that it might. As she had spent the last two months bad-mouthing another young worker, AideTwo, during her pregnancy. Complaining about her being on light duties and how she didn’t even perform them, calling in or leaving early because she was sick as a dog. Any chance she could belittle AideTwo, who is not known for her high IQ, she would. All behind her back, of course, after all they are BFF’s!

This time, unlike her first she has been having a rough pregnancy. Sick as a dog, calling in or leaving early. Annnd we’ve “heard” this before, when?

Her husband has started a “friendship” with a seventeen yr old girl school girl. And as we all know no good could honestly come with that. As much as I’d like to say…But they might JUST be friends. Going on the calibre of the girls around here, [What do you mean she sucked him off on the schoolbus?!!!] they have probably bumped uglies numerous times.

She is probably receiving this little Karmic treasure because she can be a bit bossy.

“You better tell your Grandmother we are not moving into that house rent-free until she tears out that old kitchen and put something better in”…“You better tell your father he won’t be just coming over and picking up his grandson whenever he feels like it”. Unite her bossiness with her bitchiness and you can imagine that his home-life may not be all that he’d hoped for.

No. Still doesn’t excuse his infidelity, but…

She is being hounded by credit card companies for their overdue payments. She had made a friendship with another young worker, AideThree, who liked to shop. The problem was, AideThree could afford to. I recall AideOne making a snide comment about another healthcare worker being envious of AideOne’s newly purchased brand-name sunglasses. Which incidentally are bloody hideous.

She nearly lost her job the other day. I do wish it was so. I know I shouldn’t make that wish. But oh well, THERE it is. In hindsight, I’m not sure if I had something to do with it, besides the wishing. I had made a comment on her work effort on a day where it was sadly bloody lacking.

This may be longwinded…Prepare thyself!

Each wing has 30 residents. Ideally, we have three aides each wing and a float who does the dining room, passes ice on both wings, takes out the smokers. Ten residents, each group, per aide. Within each group there are some residents that require more or less care. Some are just set-ups, as in they do their own bathing and dress themselves. Others require more assistance in daily living. Some have their morning needs met by the restorative team. The rest are totally dependent on our care.

On this particular day. AideOne’s group had only a total of FIVE to do. Two were out of the facility, two were just set-ups, one was sick so she was staying in bed. Turns out, AideTwo and a nurse did her hardest resident to do. So in the end she had four. Just bloody FOUR.

I was lucky enough to have a semi-reasonable group, depending how their day was going. I was considering myself as being pretty darn good when I had eight of mine done by my 9.30 morning break. The two I had left have very high needs. SumoSandy andPhuckYouPhillip. One is less needy, she can feed herself. But that is ALL she can do. Phil is totally dependent, and depending on his day and what you are doing for him---he hates being changed, but also can not fully pass his own bowel movement….“Come dig this shit out of my asscrack” and when you are, “Fuck you, you bitch leave me alone”. Or demands stuff you can’t just up and give him…“Gimme a drink!”…“Phil, I have your crap all over my hands I am not going to de-glove, clean-up, give you a drink, clean-up and re-glove, gimme a minute okay”.

Fun times indeed!!

I had made the mistake of answering his “nurse, NURSE’ yell. I am not a nurse. I should have went early for my allocated lunchbreak instead. For forty-five freaking minutes I was in there dealing with his never-ending shit-stream. I even took a break, gave him a drink and then went in search of another aide to assist in the task of holding his pretzel like body while I dealt with his hygiene needs. AideTwo was showering her high need resident, AideOne was typically no where to be seen.

Finally, I went to lunch twenty minutes late.

Came back early and tackled SumoSandy. Who had not delightfully NOT left me a surprise by defecating in her brief. That is a guaranteed extra ten to twenty minutes cleaning her up, not to mention another five making her shared room easier to breath in. It’s the logrolling of her that wears you out. Even when she holds her paralysed left hand with her working right and crosses her right half foot over her left full one. It’s the bloody workout from Hell. Commentated and directed by Sandy in her whispered repeated monotone. Ideally done with two assists. Ideal is hard to come by, depending who you are working with.

AideOne comes into the room with her cell phone in hand, just as I was rearranging Sandy in her wheelchair. I wore my sarcastic scrub-pants this day and made a cheerful [ I was bloody cheerful because she was done] comment to Sandy …“Well here’s AideOne, we could have done seeing her wonderfulness twenty minutes ago”… Sandy has her own nickname for her and it starts with the first name Bitch.

I <3 SumoSandy.

Yeah. So I had made a comment about it being a harder than it had to be day. I made that comment in answer to a question asked by the Unit Manager [UM]. The UM having dealt with AideOne for a lengthy amount of time, knew exactly who and what I was inferring too.

An hour later, she was asked into the DON’s office along with the UM and the Administrator.

I don’t take all the guilt/back-pats. It’s been a looong time coming. She is uncaring in Who she does and apathetic when she’s doing it.

posted on Nov 3, 2010 10:04 AM ()


I couldn't do what you do (I don't think) but I'm so grateful that there are those of you who do. Bless you.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 8, 2010 10:42 AM ()
You're a saint. I don't think all the saints were necessarily angels, if you get my drift, but I think the fact that they were real people like you added to their saintliness.
comment by troutbend on Nov 6, 2010 1:25 PM ()
My mother is in a nursing home and must have constant care. I thank God for people like you who are willing to do this and do it with love. God will add jewels to your crown.
comment by redimpala on Nov 5, 2010 8:55 PM ()
I think I would be crabby, too, if someone had to manually remove my, um, well anyway.

I have worked with so many "AideOnes" over the years...I feel this pain. In fact, I just ran into one tonight at my daughter's school. She, too, got fat. Really fat. And she used to be super tiny and was known for making snide comments about our plus sized customers. Hm. Maybe there is a God?
comment by juliansmom on Nov 4, 2010 6:21 PM ()
My daughter-in-law worked as a carer along with her sister a few years ago, They loved working with the elderly, Got to admit, it is a job that I couldn't have done. I think the people who do, do it, are excellent
comment by febreze on Nov 4, 2010 4:01 PM ()
comment by solitaire on Nov 4, 2010 5:42 AM ()
It is a terrible job. Try to find something with Home Health Care. You
might have to clean people up but your work load would be a little lighter.
My husband and I just made a pact not to go to a nursing home as long as
one of us could crawl.
comment by elderjane on Nov 4, 2010 5:09 AM ()
KJ, I know just what you're talking about. I'm a practical nurse in an extended care unit of a seniors facility. When we have a good crew on a shift, it makes the day so much better. Hang in there!
comment by nursekim on Nov 3, 2010 9:15 PM ()
I dunno how you do it - that job would NOT be for me!!! I am sure you are appreciated though. I really do not ever want someone to hafta take care of my daily functions... man o man how embarrassing...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 3, 2010 11:51 AM ()

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